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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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An Oblivion Gate popped out near the Gold Road, just south of the Brina Cross Inn. When conducting the Anvil Mages' Guild recommendation quest, I noticed an Imperial Legion soldier in a bit of a bind. Clannfear from that gate had killed his horse, and after I finished up with my own business at hand, I waded in and destroyed that gate.


Continuing on with the game from that point, every time I travel the Gold Road to Anvil I pass by this unchanging sight: a dead Legion horse laying in the middle of the road, and an Imperial soldier simply standing watch over it. With his mount dead, this guy had nothing better to do than stand around and mourn the critter. Every time I pass by, he says either "Do you think we stand a chance?" or "Let's get the bastards!". Clearly he's miffed about the matter of daedra.



Then again, these Legion guys can be real jerks. There I was, walking through the streets of Skingrad (doing the 'Ulterior Motives' quest) when I come across something you don't see every day: an Imperial Legion soldier walking through the streets of the city itself. Eager to find out all that I could about this curious sight, I walked over and tried to start a conversation with him...


"It's all over! Nobody breaks the law on my watch!"


I muttered to myself, "You don't know how right you are, you addled lackwit." I didn't do anything! Yet he hauled me in for a 1 gold fine. Honestly, if my character wasn't such a Boy Scout, that Legion soldier would have been a smouldering corpse right now— bounty be damned.


Never found out what triggered it, much less why a Legion soldier tracked me down instead of a Skingrad town guard.


So, as a word of advice: if you see a Legion soldier walking down a town street, either dodge him or destroy him— he's after you!






Oh yeah, once I was at Frostcrag Spire (official download, $2) and I had a bounty of 25 gold after pickpocketing a LEYAWIIN jailor, I recalled to the interior, which I updated to be a major cheat. I went outside, and stood there not knowing what to do next. Out of the blue, the IMPERIAL CITY jailor comes up to talk to me and says that I'm under arrest. How the h*ll did they track me here? I thought. I recalled back to there, do I have a quest marker when I break the law? I guess that means that you'll have to be constantly on the run from the law, criminals.


Something else odd. I witnessed a battle between Foresters once neer Cheydinhal. I don't know what provoked it, but they were shooting arrows at each other. Wierd. :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

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Oh yeah, once I was at Frostcrag Spire (official download, $2) and I had a bounty of 25 gold after pickpocketing a LEYAWIIN jailor


I got a bounty when using the alternate start mod... You stand in this dreamworld and see a daedra kill the emperor.

I restarted and thought: "Hell, no! Not the emperor," and summoned The Console to kill that Daedra...

Then I pickpocketed the emperor. He discovers me and said: "Get away from me, you lawbreaker!"


When I steps outside my house in Bravil, the Bravil guards come rushing to arrest me for the 25 gold fine...

"Hey... Is it illegal to DREAM of pickpocketing the emperor...?"

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ive seen a few little incidents, SPOILERS............. near the end of the main quest (the bruma(i think) oblivion gate opens) when the gate has been closed i come out to see the last 2 dremora killin eachother and all the guards killin eachother... it made me laugh as i watched a battle between all the guards slowly killin eachother...finishin wid one comin up to me and fining me(turned out i hit someone in the battle, causing the riot)


ive also seen the imperial legion forrster guys shoot eachother up..good stuff..free arrows :D

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This one is mildly amusing: A black horse courier was attacked by a random bandit. He got off the horse and then the bandit stole the horse. I talked to him(one the ground, mind you) and he said:"I cannot be bothered when delivering the fastest news in cyrodiil".
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Oh yeah, once I was at Frostcrag Spire (official download, $2) and I had a bounty of 25 gold after pickpocketing a LEYAWIIN jailor


I got a bounty when using the alternate start mod... You stand in this dreamworld and see a daedra kill the emperor.

I restarted and thought: "Hell, no! Not the emperor," and summoned The Console to kill that Daedra...

Then I pickpocketed the emperor. He discovers me and said: "Get away from me, you lawbreaker!"


When I steps outside my house in Bravil, the Bravil guards come rushing to arrest me for the 25 gold fine...

"Hey... Is it illegal to DREAM of pickpocketing the emperor...?"


:D In the words of Torquemada: "Sleep is no refuge for impure thoughts."

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This one is mildly amusing: A black horse courier was attacked by a random bandit. He got off the horse and then the bandit stole the horse. I talked to him(one the ground, mind you) and he said:"I cannot be bothered when delivering the fastest news in cyrodiil".






Hmmm... A little slow....

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Ive now read all comments (how sad of me) and a lot of people have seen imperial foresters (i think thats what theyre called) near bruma. If you ever see one, follow them as I did. We took a huge "tour" around Bruma. We kept going and eventually he had killed about 5 bandits "loitering" at a cave, enough deer to feed the whole of cyrodil and about 3 other impeial foresters. It was at this time I looked at the map and found we had weaved around (about an hour of playtime) and ended up just east of chorrol :( . At the time i had just got to bruma to sell goods to the legend Ongar the world weary and I was at about level 2. I looted every body I found getting a nice set of armour and a load of stuff to sell :D.


My second little anecdote occoured in Bruma again, in Olav's tap and tack. Ongar came in, in stealth mode and continues to steal food. Almost immediatley a guard came running and beat him unconscious. The others in the pub for some reason were not happy with this and started a huge fight which progressed round the tavern and ended up in a little room at the back where it escalated into a fist fight, all v all, Someone (probably had a bit too much mead) started hitting everyone like a madman and missed his hits so many times. It was like watching a guy fighting shadows. It concluded with 2 guards dead, ongar and olav unconscious and 3 other civilians being slaughtered.


I recently got the "mugger" mod which means in every city at night, basically highway men are around. Once again in, you guessed... Bruma I met a mugger he attacked me, with fists ;) but of course the loyal guards came running again and finished him off like a pin cushion. They used silver arrows which I colledted(over 30) and made a bundle of cash.

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@Sir Fuller

Maybe the makers of the 'Mugger' mod should have changed it, so that the guards wouldn't kill the poor mugger - just throw him to jail / knock him unconscious..? :)


Why do I never experience such a great AI? I must start going to dirty pubs at night...

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Forgot to mention another glitch earlier. When on a mission for the thieves guild (i think), you enter a castle with secret passages, you need to find the bit where the wall comes down by pulling out a pillar. If you then stand on the wall and send it back up, in the right place you will then go up on top of the wall and leave the map.


2 GBHis: a great little spell is the rage spell. You can buy it from someone in the bravil mages guild

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one funny thing happened to me in the first fighters guild quest (the first that the guy that can refer you gives) in Cheydinhal. I was following the other fighters, but I was carrying a lot and they were fast, so I was left behind. After a while, though, I hear a couple of screams, and the quest finished. I walk in the direction of the screams, and find the ork at the top of a ramp. There was a broken trip wire, a few dead goblins, and about halfway down, the bodies of my two now dead companions, half obscured by logs. Evidently, they charged through toward the last goblin, which I found dead at the bottom, riddled with arrows, and did not notice the trap. THen when I collected my reward, the quest giver docked gold because there were "Some casulties".
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