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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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After rescuing that painter guy in Chey I went to talk to the Dunmer woman upon speaking to her she said something as using the comfort of her home and when I disengaged conversation she yelled "Get out of here!", talk about stuck up after rescuing your husband!
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The funniest thing that happened to me was on a mission for the DB, when you have to kill the...








the rest of the people in the santuary, and I killed everyone in there exept for that male without a father of a Kajit, who insults you all the time. When I got in there he says that all the other members at the sanctuary are dead, and askes me if I want to be friends with him. I just exited the conversation, shot him with my bow and he doesn't do anything back but stand there and say "Please don't shoot, I am your friend remeber?" Well, long story short, I got him in the eye, rofl. Oh, and Ratfactor, seek a therapist... Naw, just kidding, I once did a scene with about 7 people all on top of a dead horse, in "odd" positions, I couldn't stop laughing.

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once two guards wher shoting aroow at me but I moveed so they hit each other and started fighting but then more gardes satarted killing people so I paraylyzed and killed them all ,Dam guards I have 200 of ther keys just started colecting and i do this as the grey fox so no bounty
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I laughed to my self when i witnessed a dumb NPC eating a Poisoned Apple.

i placed it down, waited, and saw one sneaking towards it siting on the table, they picked it up, and collapased in rag doll physics down some stairs. Which slid into a woman who called the guards because of my tresspassing.

I also did this once though, silly me, i had a poisoned apple in my inventory and tried to drop it but forgott to press shift which made me eat the bloody thing, i would have died had i not loaded my save. One of the lowest points in the game.


I found it odd one time when i was talking away to the gray fox, when we were done i tried to get out of my seat, but i accidentally picked up a apple - BLASTED APPLES; ALWAYS CAUSING SOMEONE HARM!! - he lept to his feet shouting, 'Thief Thief, you won't get away with this'. This coming from the mouth of 'the greatest thief' and the master of the thieves guild, *spoiler* and the man who made me steal one of the Elder Scrolls Itself! - How Odd how very odd!


Another time, i was outside an oblivion gate, Imperial guards were running up the hill towards the gate - even tho this was closer to Anvil and Kvatch. Daedra were pouring out of the gate, to match the oncoming force, (i have never seen this before)! in the fight i accidentally hit a the captain of the guard, and he must have thought, "Kill Daedra? or Kill 'Hero of Kvatch'? Oh well i might as well be remember for something, i'll kill him"

So i was chased around a battlefield of the Empires finesest and Dagon's best, by the CAPTAIN, shouldn't he have been leading the charge? But anyway......He kept rejecting my yield, so i fled into the Oblivion gate, as i didn't want 2 kill him.

Somehow he appeared in there in front of me, :ohmy: i had to kill him :( Wasn't proud but still. Got a laugh!

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I was about to visit the Redguard Valley Ogres for a spot of Malacath goading and the nearest place I had 'discovered' was Hackdirt. As I arrived (having done that quest without killing anyone for once) Natch Pindar comes running up.


Then I realise I am close to be overburdened and need to sell loads of stuff before acquiring more. My favourite shopkeeper is the alchemist in Anvil who gives me 80% plus so I fast travel there.


Bless me but Natch Pindar travels there with me! Umm????


Another cause of humour was the steward in Castle Leyawiin who told me that the common folk thought I was a hero (for closing the OB gate) even if Count Terentius didn't. But Count Terentius is in Bravil?????

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I have had some funny moments on oblivion


Once the city swimmer was going for his/her daily swim when he/she fell of the scaffolding thing and died, then i went over to the body and a guard came and arrested me.


Another time i was bored so i put on my gray fox mask and killed loads of people, then i took it of to my bountyless person and killed a lot of people again. Then i looked at my bounty and i found altogether i had a bounty of 57,824 gold.


A really funny thing was in the arena i was fighting 2 mountain lions and a spriggon, i'd killed the spriggon and the both the lions in one hit. I went over to collect some pelts when i saw one mountain lion bent over and the other vibrating on top of the other. Then i quickly used a fireball and that was the end of that.


Finally i fired an arrow up in the air and it didn't come down so i decided to sell some stuff, i went to the local shop and came back outside. I went to the toilet (In real life) and came back to find myself dead. The arrow came down. :D

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I find that hard to believe, the arrow one but alright.


Well I was with the mythic dawn, I had just infiltrated and heard the speech given by Mankar Camoran. Then i killed the prisoner and left. I left the room and then came back a while later... Raven Camoran was in front of me walking, she failed to see a massive fall so she took a plummet and died. I was like hahaha dumba**

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