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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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**************************Mage guild SPOILER********************************











You all know the fun recomandation quests dont you? Well I was doing the one for Anvil, where you got to kill the rogue mage. Little did I knew that this simple mission would end in a Free-for-all Brawl. Once I got close and the scripts initiated, she was telling me I was dead blah blah blah, I summoned a skeleton. She summoned a Fire Astronauch. From a near-by oblivion gate, another fire astronauch got out and attacked the rogue mage. The 2 battlemages stepped in. And last, but not least, 2 imperial legion soldiers steped in the fight. I was just staying on the border of the road watching this raletevly stupid AI atacking each other. The battlemages where fighting the daedra, the deadra where fighting themselfes, the old lady was getting her ass wooped by I dont know who, one legion soldier was attacking the other, and the other legion soldier was killing the battlemages. Hard to understand heh? Well the only survivor was a legion soldier.

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I've started up three different characters who I intend to play purely through their respective genres: Combat, Stealth, and Magic.


My Stealth character, an Imperial female playing both the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood lines, is a creature of fair beauty and immoral disposition. She's fled the Mythic Dawn attack in the sewers and is making time in the city of Anvil, trying to scrape up the 5000 drakes to land the Benirus Manor.


In the course of her stay, she picked up my ol' favorite of a quest: The Sirens' Deception.


SPOILERS -- "The Siren's Deception"












After the quest was played through and the two Anvil City Guards pop into the farmhouse, my character took two seconds to mull over Maenlona's story, decided it was all a crock, and chose to get even with Maelona— right then and there.


That's the trick: rather than wait to consummate my revenge back in Anvil, I attacked the armor-wearing Maenlona inside Gweden farm. A Level 3 character in a leather cuirass had a little difficulty in putting the guard down, but it was done. There are three interesting things of note:


1) If you attack one of the two in this fashion, the other guard will not participate in the fight. All the while my character was killing Maenlona, ol' Gogan just ran around in a slight panic.


2) Killing them in this fashion does not put a bounty on your head, neither assault nor murder. Strange, yes. But fortuitous as well— because my Imperial got herself an nice set of chainmail and Anvil Guard gear at Level 3 without penalty (though there was risk, since it took some effort to attain it)— a windfall for someone whose greatest diffuculty then was trying to outfit herself in leather armor.


3) The third tidbit? This is the one that elevates the incident to the realm of funny and strange. Maelona was dead. Steel shoved through the ribcage tends to do that to a person. Slain, lain, and stripped. My character walked out of Gweden Farm with her new bit of kit and sauntered back to Anvil. Come morningtime, my character was walking the streets and decided to drop by Gogan's house to see just how was he faring after his "bereavement".


The door was unlocked, and my character walked straight in. Guess who greeted my Imperial on the stairs? Not Gogan— but Maenlona. Looking pretty spry for a dead woman.


The answer to the mystery is, of course, that the game produced armored 'clones' of Gogan and Maenlona for their appearance in the farmhouse (since neither Gogan nor Maenlona who reside inside of Anvil carry City Guard gear if you happen to slay them). My character simply killed a temporary copy of Maenlona, the original quest-giving Maenlona having stayed inside Anvil the entire time.

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howse that for a funny story? no story eh ? ok :


i woke up one day in my house in Bruma, and prepared to go to church. On my way I saw a flying beggar. I couldnt belive by eyes, i talked to the beggar but he didnt say anything and didnt seem to notice anything unusual. I ran away in panic, sat on my horse and took off to Imperial city... Convinsing myself that it was just a dream or smth, i confidently came to the market districs to buy some iron arrows. And then I saw my horse magically split-hanging in a shop sighn. I dont know what happend next, apperently I lost my mind and killed myself.



(ps:pictures are unedited)

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I'd just completed 'Where Spirits Have Lease' and gone to Brina Cross Inn for the Anvil MG recommendation. I'd rested an hour (it was now 5pm but apparently that was enough to pass the night) and set off past the two battlemages who were to be my back up.


As I turn the corner I see an Oblivion Gate has opened on the right side of the road. A Legion Soldier and his horse and my would be assassin are fighting a scamp and Benirus is walking straight at them on his way to the Imperial City.


As I watch my backup rushes at the rogue mage. The Legion soldier stops beating on the scamp and goes after the battlemages who appear to be killing an innocent civilian. At the end of it four NPCs and a horse are dead and I haven't drawn my weapon.


Don't know what happened to Benirus. I think he just walked on taking no notice.


So I finished off the half dead scamp and returned to Anvil for the recommendation.


Well, what else could one do?

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I'd just completed 'Where Spirits Have Lease' and gone to Brina Cross Inn for the Anvil MG recommendation. I'd rested an hour (it was now 5pm but apparently that was enough to pass the night) and set off past the two battlemages who were to be my back up.


As I turn the corner I see an Oblivion Gate has opened on the right side of the road. A Legion Soldier and his horse and my would be assassin are fighting a scamp and Benirus is walking straight at them on his way to the Imperial City.


As I watch my backup rushes at the rogue mage. The Legion soldier stops beating on the scamp and goes after the battlemages who appear to be killing an innocent civilian. At the end of it four NPCs and a horse are dead and I haven't drawn my weapon.


Don't know what happened to Benirus. I think he just walked on taking no notice.


So I finished off the half dead scamp and returned to Anvil for the recommendation.


Well, what else could one do?


YES! Thats what happened to me as well (read above ). Lol. It would seem that the factions are wrong. If it would only happen to me, it would be ok, but to you as well? Then its just strange.

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Watching my horse commit suicide. One day I got off my horse, and he immediately goes and walks - very slowly and calmly - right off the edge of a cliff.


Uhhh... Was it something I said?


Then there are the horse-hating-psycho-bandits. A couple of times I ran into bandits who went right past me to attack my horse, and would not pay any attention to me until my horse was dead. Even when I got between them and my horse, they would go BACK AROUND me to get at my horse again!! I mean - did my horse steal your girlfriend, or something??


So both those things together, I just walk now. It's easier! :P

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Watching my horse commit suicide. One day I got off my horse, and he immediately goes and walks - very slowly and calmly - right off the edge of a cliff.


Uhhh... Was it something I said?


Then there are the horse-hating-psycho-bandits. A couple of times I ran into bandits who went right past me to attack my horse, and would not pay any attention to me until my horse was dead. Even when I got between them and my horse, they would go BACK AROUND me to get at my horse again!! I mean - did my horse steal your girlfriend, or something??


So both those things together, I just walk now. It's easier! :P


Walking must be tiring and long.

I never walk nor use horse. I prefer flying... here:



Also if it works for you, you can also install this awesome set of wings:



just trying to help you discover walking isnt the right solution to the Dying Horses problem.

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Well, the funniest one for me was in the last Oblivion tower, I reached the very top, and had a limited amount of time before the war machine came out of the big gate, and I was using one of those weapons with a flame effect, which sends people flying way up in the air after you kill them. Well I killed this Dremora warlord guy, and he flew over the railing of the tower, but I was sure he had the key I needed, and I was fresh out of lockpicks. So I actually jumped over the railing after him, opened up the inventory, landed on the platform below after taking out the key, and ran up the steps, and went through the door. That was close.
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