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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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I remember this time when I was trying to kill Umbra, but she wouldn't die. I would lead her through traps, and she would just walk on over them with ease. I'd lead her through a stream of darts, and she walked right through those, to! It looked funny.


I also tried to make a black Khajiit once. Poor kitty...


And I agree with Stampede, what is "Just for fun"?

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I was in Olav's Tap & Tack in Bruma. Ongar the World Weary came in and began stealing his dinner. He would walk into the back by the rooms and come out sneaking. He snuck through the crowd and picked pocketed or stole some food. Then he then would sit down at a table and eat it. Most of the crowd had seen him stealing and a general shout would go up. A few seconds later, a city guard would rush in, run toward Ongar, and then turn and walk out. I guess Ongar was paying his fine.

This happened about four or five times as my character sat there. Ongar got caught and payed his fine each time. That was one expensive dinner for him!

Each time Ongar snuck past my character, he would stop for a second and say hi. Ongar likes me.

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OK, here is a wierd one. I pickpocket some guy, and my sneak skill isn't so good, so he catches me. The guard catches up to me, cuz I wasn't so fast [this was my first character, about 5 hours into the game] and I say "Resist Arrest." For some reason, I end up outside the jailhouse, with three commoners and two guards. For some reason, one of the commoners attacks a guard. When this happens, the other guard jumps in to help. Weel, at some point, the first guard hit the second guard. At this point, the other two commoners and another guard have jumped into the fray. So, the commoners, being unarmed and armorless, are dead and the guards are fighting eachother. They keep hitting eachother until there are about ten guards duking it out in an all vs. all battle royale. Well, since the guards don't instantly respawn, this only lasted for about five minutes :( , and it ends. When there is only one guard left, he starts running around all of the bodies, asking "Oh my goodness, there's been a murder!" and "Excuse me, are you okay?" Funniest thing I have EVER seen!!!
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Funniest stuff that happened to me was totally my fault.


I was sneaking an Aelyd ruin supposetively filled with bandits. I descended a volley of rotating stairs. Then on the small flat just before the next set of stairs down I noticed a trap plate activator, looked up and discovered 3 huge spiked iron balls setted on the ceiling. Easy enough I thought. I circled the trap then proceeded down. Downthere there was a room, and about 10 feet from the entrance I started hearing some miscreant voices.


I stated for using my usual technique witch consist in sneaking to a dark corner, longest range possible from the opposition, and start shooting at the unaware victim. Since the NPC,s seldom never talk to themselves, I knew there was at least two bandits. They did called reinforcement tho. By the time I killed the first bandit, the two others were at midway in the room heading toward my "sniping position". It was time to backup my way into the starway. Nothing so far is unusual. So moving backwards and shooting arrows from the stairs is not uncommon. The problem is they were slightly thougher then I expected and I was not very encline to engage two violent bandits that have a huge taste for vengeance.


I did forgot about one thing... the bandits were keeping climbing closer, threathening me, when I got the second one. But the remaining khajit was looking sort of eager to smash is war hammer right into my cutie little elf head, wich is not the best case scenario with barely no armor, and with a bow in my hands. Then while moving backward and continuously shooting arrows in front of me, aiming was now irrelevant I started considering running out of there as the best plan B available on hand. But I could not accomplish this survival move. Someting made me stopped dead in my track. As I was retreating agressively, I sprang the %??%$?%%$ trap I had forgot upstairs... so after three huge "bonks!" in my back head I found myself burried in war hammer poundering slams... that ended my carreer rather abrutly.


I did laughed at myself for quite some time... Whenever I think about that particulary stupid trap omission, I smaile at myslef and on thought comes to mind... Don't ever do that again. ;D

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well once I was taking over the MD in the Imperial City with an army of skeletons(using Pheonix Master Summon mod) and I decided to take a stroll with a couple of my minions to Weye. I turn around, and there is Heironymus Lex running accross the bridge, with about fifty skeletons behind him. a glitch happened, and my entire army fell thru the bridge and died, and Hieronymus Lex, just calmly walked off the bridge. there was bones all over the place. but the Imperial City is now under the control of Falcath, King of Crows
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okay this is my funniest experience and it was just yesterday. okay I was out training my pet from chedinhal(mod) and this bandit with a daedric battle ax comes up and so i kill him and then im wondering if my hammer or his ax is better cause both weighs too much. i chose the hammer. and then a mage(mod) is swiming troward me so i hold click on the ax so im holding it out with left click and i go over to companion share(mod(i download too many)) and i run too fast so i drop the ax. but im still hold left click so i draw my daedric warhammer and wack her. ;D
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... but im still hold left click so i draw my daedric warhammer and wack her. ;D

A thrifty archer who finds their last target dropping dead right before he looses the next shot keeps the nocked arrow on the string until he finds a new target.


That's what happened to me inside Castle Kvatch. We'd just cleared the antechamber and my character is trolling around with a drawn bow when Savilian Matius comes running up to talk to me.


It was a time of discovery for me. Mainly, discovering that if someone wants to talk to you while you have an arrow nocked, the first thing your character does is let loose the shot. Matius wanted to chat. What he got was a faceful of bodkin. He didn't hold it against me after he regained consciousness, however.

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This is a funny incident.


I was running along in the wilderness with my character, and at sunset, I came upon the most breathtaking scene I have ever seen. I took a screen and exited to look at the screen. It was nice, but I forgot to save, and, I have never found it again.




Here is the scene. I bet all of my save games that nobody can find it; if anybody DOES find it, and tells me its location, I WILL delete all of my saves.

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