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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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I believe
begin OnActivate

prevents objects from being used.


I was able to blast some of the items out of Rindir's glass cases. Think I used an AoE fire or lightning spell.

That, or you don't put the command 'activate' in the script. As long as after the OnActivate block there is no 'activate' command, the player can't activate it.

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Stupid internet. Be more funny! *pounds monitor*


I once lured a Minotuar into the refugee camp at Kvatch. The big lunk killed two, then chased another into one of the tents. I entered the tent to slay the Minotaur, and the thing was nowhere to be seen! You'd think a 7-foot tall bipedal bovine would be hard-pressed to play hide-n-seek inside a pitched tent. Tamriel's version of the Elephant in the Room, I suppose.

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Is there anything funnier than Stealing an Imperial Soldiers horse? Ok there is, but it still cracks me up. One of them was just returning to their ride after slaughtering a bandit when I decided to hop on go for a ride myself.




I switched the camera view to see the soldier running after me as I'm galloping, swinging his sword wildly at the horses butt.

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lol, yeh that is funny, especialy if the guard comes across you fighting a group of bandits, and helps save you from death. so you thank him by stealing his horse!! lmao :D
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All right, so I was playing around in the CS and created a 1600-use enchanted bow with a 30-second paralyze spell. I start running around the Arcane University, shooting random people down over and over again. (My Marksman skill is pathetic.) So I'm in the Chironasium, and I shoot the white-robed guy in there, and he melts. I've seen this before, so it wasn't really too unusual, until I realized that I could do this over and over again, to my heart's content. One time his head and limbs sort of stayed in one pile and his torso turned into a sort of giant shaft that extended for hundreds of feet. The hilarious thing was that while this was happening, his head was spinning around and around, like something out of the Exorcist. It was absolutely the most hilarious thing I've ever seen.


As for the radiant AI, on time a Mythic Dawn agent popped up in the Marked District, and after the guards are done with her they swarm all over this other chick who wasn't anywhere NEAR the fight.


Also, has anyone tried putting on a set of equips with 100% chameleon and whacking the guards in the palace with a sword. They all gravitate over to one point near the entrance and just sort of walk around into each other for eternity.


Oh, almost forgot: Once I pushed the adoring fan right up near the edge of Dive Rock and told him to beat it.


Well, I guess he saw the city in the distance, and decided that the fastest way there would be to run straight off a cliff.



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I needed to talk to H. Lex for a quest, so I went down to the Waterfront. When I caught up with him, he was on the stone pier the Marie Celeste was tied up to. I went to talk to him, figuring that First Mate Malvulis' warning meant "Don't go ON the boat", and just when I reached him: Pirate Fight!


Afterwards, I ended up tossing people in the air before reloading.


EDIT: It seems that Malvulis is attacking Lex or Servius Gratius(?). Are she and her crew required for any quests?

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In Ceyatatar yesterday, I learned that a corpse with a limb through a wall is quite powerful, able to throw around stone blocks that I can barely lift.


I came across a huge mudcrab today. I figured it would be at least as tough as a minotaur, but I killed it with one shot. Despite how weak it was, it had killed at least three people, and had some excellent goodies: a Necklace of the Sea, and a Helm of Life Seeing.

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In Ceyatatar yesterday, I learned that a corpse with a limb through a wall is quite powerful, able to throw around stone blocks that I can barely lift.

I did something similar in a fort one day. But I shove a hoe (the tool) under the stone and was able to move the blocks a little.

I came across a huge mudcrab today. I figured it would be at least as tough as a minotaur, but I killed it with one shot. Despite how weak it was, it had killed at least three people, and had some excellent goodies: a Necklace of the Sea, and a Helm of Life Seeing.

Mmm... Is that from a mod?

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Ratfactor? Seek help. Immediately ;D


The only really amusing story I've had so far (aside from the usual mistakes one makes while swinging a sword about; they should know better than to stand near me) was when I rode out of Chorral (I think), and just as I rode past a boulder an arrow whistled out of nowhere to stick out of my horse's flank.


After a second to marvel at the AI, I got off, at which point the horse barrells over and clobbers the hapless bandit to death. So once I've looted the body, I turn around to get back on the road, when I notice a second bandit, who'd apparently had a tiff with the bow-wielding one, lying dead in the road clearly riddled with arrows. That was good for a laugh.


I once rode on a horse...and i was attacked by a giant boar! He chased my horse and killed him! Then a deer passed by...and the boar chased him then..So i gave them arrows to the head...My horsey died though :(

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