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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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Not as good as some of the others but its still funny.


One time I was exploring a mountain and the music switched over combat. I grabed my sword, looked around, but didn't see anyone. Then out off nowhere a wolf jumps down from higher up the mountain, hits the ground in front of me, and dies on impact. :D

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What is more funny than incandesent canies falling from the sky?


Awnswer: incandesent canies falling from the sky and landing on someones face.


If you've played that deadra quest you'll know what i am talking about. anyway i was doing that quest when i was hit by a legion soldier, i recently assluted a forester and he'd followed me down from bruma, well i'd almost finished so i stood in the middle of the town waiting for the dogs, forester was running towards me holding a sword, guess he ran out of arrows, and, crunch! :huh:


not only did it kill him, he flew away spining in the air like a bear. ;D

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hey lol... one time when i did the bloated float mission, u know the one with the pirates? well i fought my way thru to the top deck where i fought that big nord guy. So i kill him and his arm gets caught in the ropes on the side of the ship..

So for about a minute and a bit when i was rolling on the floor laughing he was thrashin around incredibly violently despite being dead so i finally resurrected him, killed him and once again those hilarious physics kicked in.


:D i dont think i'll ever see that again lol :D

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I recently (this morning) started a new character an was heading towords a oblivion gate, scary music kicks in and i ran towards the oblivion gate to meet whatever it was head on. i get there and cast invisibility and wait. then about 10 seconds later a small group of bandits charge into the clearing and stop dead, literaly, i'd parilized AoE them and a dremora Catiff (or whatever the magical type is called had cast a fire AoE.


Five bandits suddenly stop, angry looks on there faces, before being slowly burned to a crisp.

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hey lol... one time when i did the bloated float mission, u know the one with the pirates? well i fought my way thru to the top deck where i fought that big nord guy. So i kill him and his arm gets caught in the ropes on the side of the ship..

So for about a minute and a bit when i was rolling on the floor laughing he was thrashin around incredibly violently despite being dead so i finally resurrected him, killed him and once again those hilarious physics kicked in.


:D i dont think i'll ever see that again lol :D



theres nothing sweeter than NPC's falling in funny ways when you killed them....my favourite was doing the "whodunit?" DB quest, i shot the nord dude stealthed behind a table... he flies clear across the upper deck thingy, and crashed down on the table on the lower floor, then i do the same to the breton women, who lands on the nord, in what would appear to be some good old fashioned face sitting....hehe

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I attacked one of those filthy imperial city beggars for fun, and naturally all the guards attacked me with their mighty silver longswords. Two seconds later I was dead, slumped against the wall. And what was the last thing I ever heard?


"You're off duty."


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i have a good one. this happend with my cousin and me and on the xbox 360 well we started a huge brawl in the imperial city. it started out with us and a stuck up noble but noooo the guards had to mess it all up and it turned into an all out war between us and the city watch. at one point we hid behind a gardin fence and 10 guards stood on the other side swinging there swords in vain. well after an epic fight we took off but the only one who followed us was none other than hirmonius lex but we lost him in the rumare hid atop the aylied ruin near by. umm cant remember the name but its the one half sunk with a big statue of a winged lady anyway we hid on the pice of wall sticking out in to the water and watched the water like a hawk nothing coulda got passed with out us seeing but then outta no where "JUST PAY THE FINE!!!!!" we wipped around and there was mister i-want-a-raise-badly so we knocked him out (to bad you cant get these great mods for the 360 eh?) and took off. it looked like we lost him so we went to find umbra a good sword for a low level char (lv6) so half way there we nap cuz we almost got killed due to a mudcrab (yes a mudcrab no joke here) well an hour into the nice sleep guess who's back? back agian? and its not shady. your right its mr tyrannosaurus rex err i mean hermonius lex and guess what he said "JUST PAY THE FINE!!!!!" we where bent over laughing at this point. so once again we kicked his ass adn took off. we made it to vilivern or what ever the place umbra is at. killed umbra got the sword was a bout to leave and we see mr lex walking down the stairs. holy crap this guy just dont give up does he? we asked each other. but he didnt attack us or act like we did any thing we did earler. but when we talked to him he got all pissy. so my cousin did a power strike sent him flying thru a little hole that leads down to where umbra stands and when he resurrected he flew back up to where we killed him. so my cousin asked what the highist place was i said the top of the imperial palace but we cant get there. dive rock but it would take to long and we cant fast travel with a crazy guard on our heals. but then i got it. the highest place closet to us was the huge bridge that goes across the big river. so we hop along there with mr lex prancing after us shouting "JUST PAY THE FINE!!!!!" well we got there and every time we power attacked him and killed him and flung him off the bridge he fell hit the water and flew back up matrix style. it only works with the 360 i tryed it on computer but it dont work or i did something wrong. so? you ask why didnt we pay the fine? cuz my cousin didnt have any money thats why!


sorry if its a little long but when i tell a story i get into the details sorry.

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I attacked one of those filthy imperial city beggars for fun, and naturally all the guards attacked me with their mighty silver longswords. Two seconds later I was dead, slumped against the wall. And what was the last thing I ever heard?


"You're off duty."


Eh, I was in Cheydinhal, and tried to pickpocket a poison apple from the Essential guard I'd given it to. Since I didn't have any Chameleon equipment on, he noticed me, which started a little war in which numerous guards died.


After they finally killed me, 10-15 seconds after my death, a guard walked up to me, and said "Excuse me, are you all right? M...Oh my goodness, this person's dead!"

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I attacked one of those filthy imperial city beggars for fun, and naturally all the guards attacked me with their mighty silver longswords. Two seconds later I was dead, slumped against the wall. And what was the last thing I ever heard?


"You're off duty."


Eh, I was in Cheydinhal, and tried to pickpocket a poison apple from the Essential guard I'd given it to. Since I didn't have any Chameleon equipment on, he noticed me, which started a little war in which numerous guards died.


After they finally killed me, 10-15 seconds after my death, a guard walked up to me, and said "Excuse me, are you all right? M...Oh my goodness, this person's dead!"


Hmm, but wouldn't the load screen appear before then? Or maybe my mind is playing tricks on me... as always! :D

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