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Restoring Vanilla Fallout.ini


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I had everything running well until I installed Darn's UI. (I've got the stutter remover installed and configured already). The install went fine - game crashed once during a menu, but otherwise it was ok. But now suddenly I'm getting a lot of stuttering in-game. Since I had to overwrite Fallout.ini when installing Darn's UI, I made a copy of the original beforehand. If I want to uninstall DUI and restore the Vanilla Fallout.ini, is it just a matter of ditching the modified file and moving in the copy of the original?

Edited by ItchyAlgae
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You could either replace the modified .ini with the original copy or delete the modified one and run the launcher for Fallout 3. It will then automatically generate a new fallout.ini. Makes no difference.


I've never heard of Darn's mod causing stuttering though. It seems unlikely removing it will resolve the stuttering problem. It seems more likely the problem actually lies with the other mod you mentioned. Perhaps it's .ini was not configured appropriately?

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