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The Black Knight


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not dead don't worry, but it is ture that there wasn't any progress i had a realy rough week in school. The only thing i did was experimenting with the new animated cape.

Real updates will come only next week when i have holidays. Sorry for this delay. :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi y'all


here's a little thing to prove this is not dead:



This is some game testing of the movmed of the new cape. I tried to edit the original skeleton but had so many trobles with exporting it that i ended up using the skeletobeast instead and using the tail bones for the cape. I might tweak it a lil before realsese but the other things are now pretty much finished.


There is no helmet in the video as i had some problems and i was to lazy to fix them (probably just a path error, as i had to reistall oblivion this week and move all the files in a differetn location.)




P.S: don't mind the music, it's a recording of me testing some audio programs :P

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Dude!! how do you get the cape to move like that? It looks awesome by the way


As i said it moves like a tail of a khajit or argornian would. I realise that it is not he best way to go but is the only for me. I Figured out do to this while examinating the Dancer's clothes models. Basicaly it is the same thing but my cape is wider.

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