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The Black Knight


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aagh MHM you're everywhere! hehe just kidding.


You realy think it's ok? well fine then!

Ah, time....i've been modeling and texturing for almost a month. I hope i'll get it done in a few weeks!


In the mean time please comment here or enjoy some of my other mods (subdole self-advertisment tehehhe)

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Well, I still find the armor just perfect, and I thank you once again. :biggrin:


I like the texture in the torso and greaves/skirt, is that the final stage of texturing in those parts? I really like it, but I am wondering if it would look a little toon-ish in Oblivion...but then again there ARE some clothes that have a similar style of texturing, such as the Order Priest Robes...if they weren't so darn shiny. I find the texturing fancier than the robes' right now.


But...if you aren't satisfied with the way it looks, maybe you could add a little shade on the bottom of the pieces that compose the torso, if you like more "realistic" effects. You know what? Finish the overall texturing the way you're doing right now, and look at it for a while before thinking on how to improve the texture. You may be satisfied with the current texture by then, and if not, just try the shading, perhaps. :thumbsup:

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It's not the final stage of textureing at all. Right now i'm making just the color maps. The normal maps are those that decide if the armor will look cartony/shiny in-game. I tought to make it as realistic as possible.

Thanks for the shading tip. I've already beeing experimenting with this but i didn't have the courage to make it too noticable. I'll consider it again.

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oh, thank you for downloading it :) i acctualy made a new 2h brutal fly cather but i wanted a quest or something similar so i haven't released it yet :P

It's just for fun tought :)

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Look mad maybe you should make a quest for it?

I've acctualy been worried when someone would suggest that. I was hoping it could be discussed when the acctual model will be finished. I'm afraid i won't be able to make a quest as i have realy little knoledge of the CS, so i'll have to ask someone else to help. But we will talk about that when i finish it. ;)


Thanks for your comment :)

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Hi, It's been a while since i reported any progress. But now i am so don't worry I'll get this one finished.


Today I'll be showing you two in-game screenshots. The armor is not yet usable but i made a static "statue" to test the texturing.

Before i'll go to the acctual rigging, i'll fix the normal maps some more, but for now, this is what it looks like:




Please do tell me what do you think of it, constructive criticism is welcome! :thanks:

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