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The Black Knight


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minor update: I began the rigging process and like i exepted the easy way this time won't work. I tested the armor in game and there is a lot of aweful scretching going on.

This may take a while to fix.

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exactly. I copied the weight from a vannila armor just to see the effect it will do, but sadly this armor is way to compicated to rig. (that's why i like doing skimpy armors :P)

I'll have to do it manualy for the majority of the armor. I might need help from others too :P

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:S i wish i could help but i haven't yet got round to installing oblivion on this laptop, I'd kinda have to see what the stretching is to know how it should be painted, Thats what you do right?


Because i know Weighting is quite annoying but that's probably the best way to start, try the vanilla weight then see whats going wrong then Edit it yourself from there :)

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Oh, don't worry, for the most part i know what to do :) The only problem i think i will have is the cloth between the legs. I don't want it to be screatched when the legs aren't together. I'll work something out.


Hmm i also think this is the time to talk abaout the cape. Should i make it? I guess i'll have to edit the skeleton and make a new animation so that it will float around in a different way that the rest of the armor. I saw an armor with something similar once but i'm not sure how it was made. Any toughts?

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i know what you mean, but i'm thinking big. I was thinking of makeing that red cape go up when you are falling down, and maybe floating in the air when running. That WOULD be awesome!
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