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Ever become angry when you enchant a weapon and shortly after you find a better weapon? The De-enchanter takes the rune out of the weapon and gives you the rune back, but with a price. In player camp.


This is a suggestion and it sounds like the scripting/coding may be hard which im no expert in, but maybe someone can try to make this.

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Ever become angry when you enchant a weapon and shortly after you find a better weapon? The De-enchanter takes the rune out of the weapon and gives you the rune back, but with a price. In player camp.


This is a suggestion and it sounds like the scripting/coding may be hard which im no expert in, but maybe someone can try to make this.


You can already remove runes for free. Just go into enchantment and click on the rune in question and It'll go back into your inventory.


Runes are freely placeable and replaceable.

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