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Hi Quality Civil War Era Pistols


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While there is the Millienia team's Colt 1847 pocket pistol, I believe there needs to be more Western Expansion era weapons in New Vegas. I'm still waiting for the big names in texturing and modeling weapons to publish these kinds of weapons. I (and many others) yearn for a hi quality Colt Dragoon, Walker, and Army/Navy black powder pistols in game.

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new vegas bounties one has a navy 1861 revolver i believe, ive never actually seen it since it corrupts my save game after a certain mission, but im one of two people that had this issue so you should be safe....also i have yet to play it since the recent-ish updates

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New vegas Bounties has an 1858 Remington New Army, however it is depicted as double action and has a swing out cylinder. The PotG Cowpoke mod also adds 3 different Remingtons, but they also function the same as the one from New Vegas Bounties. The Last Apache mod adds an 1875 Remington that is depicted quite accurately. Finally SpamPTRS has created a Schofield, a cartridge converted Colt Dragoon, and a cartridge converted Colt Walker. That's all I know of, but I hope that helps. Unfortunately i don't have the time and modding skills, or I would attempt to make a few more.

Edited by 93diofan
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