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Need help with a dire situation.


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Hey, I was hoping I could get help on these forums for something happening in a part of the game where I am left with little advantage over a npc. I tried to post on those EA bioware forums but I am not "qualified" to post, leaving me little options.


I am at the part of the game where I am in the deep roads, ortega tanu (sp?) looking for that paragon. I think I might have reached the paragon, but the problem is there is a queen spider guarding the area, and I am in a bad situation.


For one: I have no Health Poltices left.. No flasks and Elfroot to make them either.

For two: I killed the queen spider once, with just Morrigan left but then 6 - 8 corrupted spiders spawned after the queen's death.

For three: This game is incredibly challenging, which I like but this situation i am in is just overboard. (I am playing it on easy! Imagine that!)

For four: I used up over 30 health poltices reaching the damn place only to have none left. (I thought I was well stocked on them..)

For five: I have good weapons and keep my party members well armed.


Here it is in detail:


On the first try, my two warriors Alistair and that dwarven warrior went charging after the queen spider, got caught in the web and sapped by the corrupted spiders. By the time they killed those spiders the queen spit venom at them and finished them off just leaving my Elf Rogue, and Morrigan. My Rogue went up melee and stunned then backstabbed, got the queen halfway down, morrigan used her powerful frost spell and life drain. The queen killed my rogue and Morrigan after a few poison spits.


On the second try, I had my whole team halt while I tried to pull the queen into my trap, the queen jinxed me and just used her poison spitting the whole damn time. The corrupted spiders killed the dwarven warrior and badly injured Alistair. Alistair eventually kicked the bucket and the queen only had half health left. My rogue died with the bow in mind using ice arrows, morrigan was left once again, using ice spells and drain life kept her alive killing the queen, then 6 to 8 of those corrupted spiders spawned and killed morrigan..


Just when things look up those damn creatures have to overwhelm my wounded and almost dead party of four! This is really difficult and any advice anyone has to offer is more that welcome here..


If I can't figure something out, or you guys can't really help me then I guess I have to load a save game dumping 2 hours of effort down the drain.




(NO CHEATING ADVICE PLEASE!) But if you know of any useful exploits in the game that will be ok.

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It's a little hard to help you when you don't give what talents you have, how have you distributed stat points, and most importantly what spells does morrigan have.


You seem not to have a grasp of basic tank & spank. The only thing that should ever be tanking hits in your team is alistair, perhaps oghren sometimes. The key to do this is taunt. The warrior taunts, your mage switches between keeping it alive, disabling enemies or aoeing, and the rogue goes backstab happy.

Another, cheaper option is to forcefield the tank after the taunt, you get all enemies attacking an immobile, invulnerable tank while the rest of your party kills.


In case you don't know how to get rid of overwhelm, overwhelm is canceled if the target becomes paralyzed, or if the spider/ogre/dog/wolf/bear is paralyzed, stunned, knocked down or dealt a large amount of damage. Note that the first frost spell is perfectly able to stop an overwhelm.


Stealth and dirty fighting can be used before the spider overwhelms your rogue to make the spider cancel the move, this is true for all non-instant special moves (yellow text with the attack name floats over the foe).


There's also basic crowd control: cone of cold, fireball, sleep, glyphs, blizzard. These spells are very good in taking opponents out of the fight, minimizing the damage dealt to you and leaving them prone to being shattered, aoe-ed, or simply stabbed to death.

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I guess my situation is dire indeed. I do have flame cone, but not forcefield. I am not sure Alistair is using taunt, and morrigan doesn't have any healing spells. (I focused her on primal magic)


Unfortunatrely since I am deep in the caverns I cannot change my parties out for that dog with that useful stun. Perhaps I should load that game and run out of the situation and go back to the orzammar. If I leave the caverns for a while (To collect ingredients to make poltices) will the caves reset with a bunch of enemies about?

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flame cone is for damage, FROST cone is for control (and damage, it's a tad overpowered). Stone fist can cancel overwhelms, so should fireball or earthquake, tho those would affect your party.


Also, enemies don't respawn.




Edit your party member's tactics, don't let them uselessly spam talents, specially not in a difficult fight. The spacebar is your friend.

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flame cone is for damage, FROST cone is for control (and damage, it's a tad overpowered). Stone fist can cancel overwhelms, so should fireball or earthquake, tho those would affect your party.


Also, enemies don't respawn.




Edit your party member's tactics, don't let them uselessly spam talents, specially not in a difficult fight. The spacebar is your friend.


Couple of things to clarify here tho, on easy AOE spell like blizzard wont hurt your own team, blizzard will knock your party on the ground however, and spiders respawn in a sort of way, the queen keep making them.

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My party was me (rogue), dwarven (warrior on "attack in default"), morrigan (dps and healer on "ranged attack"), wynne (healer on "ranged attack").

Having 2 healers makes the game slooowww but is easer to kill mobs.


If my healers get surrounded my mobs they activate paralyze or something to stone them and i'm always watching their health.


In the Spider Queen part was hard the first time, the third time when i finally did it, i ended running in circles D: sometimes works, the mobs were chasing me and far to my party members who were knocked down, then when i ran close to my party members they started to wake up again in the middle of the combat. Maybe i took them out of combat when i started to run. So that helped.

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Lots of good suggestions. The best thing said is that you turn around and head back. Ortan Thaig is not a place where you get locked in. You can always just turn around, and head back to Orzammar or party camp to restock on health potions. I mean if you have only two left and you are only at Ortan Thaig, then you will have to do that anyway. The spider queen is far from being the toughest boss in the deep roads, so restocking is something you will have to do first.


If you are not sure how to make Alistair a tank and don't have a lot of experience using the tactics interface, just set him to 'Defender' and that should add threaten and taunt to the tactics menu by default (provided they are trained up).


I know I am in the minority here, but I think Shale is a much better tank than Alistair. If he is in your party, and he has been trained on all the Stoneheart skills, then he will attract allot more attention than Alistair does, though depending on his crystals and stats you may need to work harder to keep him alive. Similary, all you have to do is set the tactics to Defender.

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  • 2 weeks later...

dangit, I REALLY hate it when I'm trying to think of something, and it's right there on the tip of my brain, and it just will NOT come to me!!! Sorry, getting really, really tired, and can't think straight.


Anyway, there's a tactic where you cast a type of forcefield on a character, and it makes the character not be able to move. They can't be hurt, but they can't attack, either. Its a good one to use on a summoned critter, so that the aggro'd mobs waste their time on it, while others pile on damage.


My way of dealing with spiders is to pull them in with my main using a longbow. After luring, I have morrigan kick off a tempest in the area I lure them to, then hit them with virulent bomb and start up the cone attacks with she and wynn.


Also- never, ever type-cast your mages. Don't set one of them up purely as a healer and another straight up damager. Give both of them healing and offense. Heh, you'd be amazed at how fast wynn and morrigan can clear a large group of mobs when they both light a fireball right into the middle of the group at long range!

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