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The Ritual [Contains Spoilers]


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EDIT 01.01.2010 17:13 - Although this concept was aimed at Alistair lovers (I just didn't like the idea of Morrigan sleeping with Alistair, but then again, that maybe just me), many points have been mentioned that would effectively make the idea unusable. Therefore, this thread may better be off as closed.


I am surprised that there is no thread for this yet... or there is and I haven't found it, but it hasn't earned enough hype - I know there are many that simply to not like idea of allowing Morrigan to sleep with Alistair. And yes, I do know that one warden alone had problems having children, but where there's a will, there's a way.


So, here is the concept: allow Morrigan's ritual to performed by or performed on a female mage PC (or possibly any female PC).


In light of this, I suppose certain restrictions could be considered:

- Originally, I wanted to direct this mod as for female mages only, simply because it is a magic ritual. Clean and cut, but for the love of all players, I suppose there could be a verison to allow all female PCs to enjoy the idea.

- Assuming Alistair is still in the party, the PC must either be romancing or at least "cared" for by the templar.

- At 100% approval rating, must pass a low persuade check; at maybe 75% approval, maybe pass a medium persuade check; at maybe 60% or below, must pass a high persuade check.

- Possibly bring "hardened" status into the mix, which could play on a change in approval rating persuade checks (i.e. if Alistair is hardened, maybe the percentages could be lower for each level to make convincing him easier).

- Or, still keeping with the original idea of this mod (the ritual performed by or on the PC), somehow keep the DA plot line, the only difference is that Alistair (or Loghain, although I'll always with keep Alistair over that mess) really sleeps with the PC and is unaware of the switch. (Maybe, for very talented machinima directors, simply reuse the current scene, add a flash of lightening, switch Morrigan with PC, continue with the scene, and then simply change a portion of the ending information. Or even reuse the lovemaking scene from camp... though even better, I would love sometone to remake the scene for a bedroom in the Arl's Estate or Redcliffe Castle, maybe even an inn.)


This might idea might work even better with Lady Olivia's Alistair's Dialogue Patch.


In retrospect, this would be rather viable with the available endings, as long as you don't end up sacrificing yourself, I suppose.


Now, I'm no programmer - I am fiction writer at best, finding solace and beauty in words - so my only talent to the project would be the PCs dialogue, if I'll even be a part of the project and especially if someone's even interested in making such a mod. To be perfectly honestly, I'm more of a concept creator; I just can't make them reality. Then again, my mind is an unfocused cornucopia of idea and sometime I tend to omit things vital to the vision; therefore, if there are any hole in this concept, I humbly ask that readers point them out.


Feel free to talk amongst yourself and, please, add your thoughts. Or shoot it down... it's kinda half-baked as is. I just wanted to throw the idea out there before it escaped my imagination.


Edit: And yes, I do know I wrote "or any possibly any"... too many anys in my description - should be either "or any" or "or possibly any". I need to pay more attention.

Edited by Illusionary Ennui
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Feel free to talk amongst yourself and, please, add your thoughts. Or shoot it down... it's kinda half-baked as is.


The one big gaping hole here is female PC's can't partake in the ritual. Mage or no. Because they're not men. The ritual on the PC's part is to only impregnate Morrigan. Whatever magical mix Morrigan does is up to her.


Now as far as I understand it, from what I've read in the strategy guide, Allistair or Loghain can be convinced to sleep with Morrigan. I don't know if this option is still available when you play a female toon though. Surely it is. Odd if it's not. If not, it should be an easy mod fix for somebody familiar with the scripting things.


I can only assume that the pursuade checks DO work similar to what you suggest for Allistair and Loghain. Maybe even lower ones for Loghain, heh. Again, I can't say if the option is there for females or not, but it definently is for males.


I like the idea you suggest for fooling Allistair into thinking he's sleeping with the PC though. That's not half bad at all, and at least plausible.

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Ehm, i think what Illusionary Ennui is suggesting (which is rather uncomfortable to read in that font & size), is to have the female warden perform the ritual with one of the male companions and get pregnant.


One could account that the wardens are rarely fertile (tho it is not clear if the fetus dies from taint or if the conception is highly unlikely, or both) and that Morrigan most likely haves a few tricks under her sleeve to guarantee that things happen according to plan.

It is also of note that mixing baby god with darkspawn-tainted mother blood may not be wise.

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It is also of note that mixing baby god with darkspawn-tainted mother blood may not be wise.


new gey warden recruitment slogan

join the grey wardens! meet the darkspawn! perform magical rituals! become a brood mother!

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Ehm, i think what Illusionary Ennui is suggesting (which is rather uncomfortable to read in that font & size), is to have the female warden perform the ritual with one of the male companions and get pregnant.


Ah. But that too has a hole in it. Only Morrigan knows how to perform this ritual. Why would she show the PC ? This was her whole reason for joining the Warden, remember ? So it would make no sense for the female PC to do this.

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Ehm, i think what Illusionary Ennui is suggesting (which is rather uncomfortable to read in that font & size), is to have the female warden perform the ritual with one of the male companions and get pregnant.


Ah. But that too has a hole in it. Only Morrigan knows how to perform this ritual. Why would she show the PC ? This was her whole reason for joining the Warden, remember ? So it would make no sense for the female PC to do this.


a few things I have wondered about ragarding this.


Morrigan tells us that this is the reason flemeth sent her with us and why she came, but why should morigan care to fallow through with this unless she intends to use this childs body as flemeth intended to use hers.


Iit is also possible that Flemeths spirit would inhabit the childs body and that morrigan herself could very well be far older then she is letting on, the lore does mention many witches of the wilds and morrigan does not actually confitrm if flemeth is in fact thee flemeth. For as much as morrigan told us about herself and her past she evaded and partialy answered most of it or didnt offer an explanation at all.


there is also the possability that morrigan fallowed through with this ritual out of love for the pc and that this is infact not a selfish act on her part and that her intentions are honorable ragardless of the potential outcome later, but I do not suspect this to be the case.


To get back on topic though Kinoda's absolutely right regarding this. Morrigan would never ever give up this secret even if it ment her death she would die with it. That being the case there is a possability for work around. I am assuming that whatever incantation morrigan is going to cast would be done before she has sex with allister and loghain which leaves the PC open to seduce either allister or loghain first thus stealing the god child for herself and earning the prestige class brood mother.

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All valid points. As I said, it was just some random idea I had and knew there would be plot issues and whatnot. Yet, I am very glad that anyone even looked at this thread.


Thank you for all the input. If anything, it is something to ponder. This was only meant as an alternate for a female PC, one in love with Alistair, to have the templar not sleep with Morrigan and still survive.


Another idea, going along with Kinoda's agreement (although, originally, I meant Alistair actually sleeps with the PC instead of Morrigan for the ritual - I never wanted to suggest that a female PC do the ritual with Morrigan, just have Morrgian give the power to the female PC so that she, meaning the female PC, could perform the ritual and be impregnated by someone else, as stated by TG and Aria; however, Aria does make the point that Morrigan would most likely never give the ritual up willinging - though, being like her "sister" would make her more likely, yes?), the ritual could fail with PC and the sacrifice must still ensue. Just another random thought...

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