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How do I put an animating Flame Mesh on a Sword?


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K. I've seen it in Midas Magic and Apothesis Armory of the Silver Dragon, and I've attempted it, but seem to be missing something.


I can import Randomsword.nif and FlameTorchLarge.nif into blender, line them up, do all the necessary Scale and Rotation Data stuff, export it, and apply the needed Textures just fine. Problem I'm having is the Flame always stays verticle in relation to the Z axis, or the ground. How do I make the Flame Mesh stay along the blade?


If anyone knows how to do this, please let me know. :thanks:

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It worked to a degree. Now the Sword is parent to the Flame and the Editor Marker, but the flame itself still stays verticle. The Editor Marker, which I probably don't need now that I think about it, is now stationary in relation to the word. It acts like part of the sword. But like I said, the Flame still doesn't, at least not in Nifskope. Havn't put it in-game yet, but it should show up the same in NifSkope as in the CS. I'll check to see if the Flame part has some Constraint I'm missing or something, but so far no luck.
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