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Skye - Ancient Elven Sorceress CM Partner


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Hello All,

Iam trying to load up the Skye companion mod.

There was a huge list of other mods that I needed to dl first like Hair, cm panions (which also isnt showing up) rens beauty pak, there are about 4 diffrent versions of cm companions all of which I have dled into the data folder.


Maybe the skye companion can only be used if you have SI expansion pak? It doesnt say either way if you need SI in the read me or in the mod desciption. I really wanted this male version.


Also Alot of these mods causes me to crash to desktop.


Ohh the Skye mod has the dl and also the v2 both of which are in the data files folder yet dont show up as an esm when I goto the launcher.


any help is greatly appreciated ^^


Happy New years!!


I wanted to add I finally got a couple of the companion mods ( The two cat looking girls) to show up and Ozz and the demon Azzy.. However when you try to talk to them there is no diolague options at all even when I tried to bribe them and Ozz also has no head :P

I need to to be bale to talk to tthem and fix the hovering teeth that has no face for poor ozzy.


Thanks much !!

I better get that benthan manor mod working so they will all have beds to sleep in can I buy more furnature for the house at all?

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Hello All,

Iam trying to load up the Skye companion mod.

There was a huge list of other mods that I needed to dl first like Hair, cm panions (which also isnt showing up) rens beauty pak, there are about 4 diffrent versions of cm companions all of which I have dled into the data folder.


Maybe the skye companion can only be used if you have SI expansion pak? It doesnt say either way if you need SI in the read me or in the mod desciption. I really wanted this male version.


Also Alot of these mods causes me to crash to desktop.


Ohh the Skye mod has the dl and also the v2 both of which are in the data files folder yet dont show up as an esm when I goto the launcher.


any help is greatly appreciated ^^


Happy New years!!


I wanted to add I finally got a couple of the companion mods ( The two cat looking girls) to show up and Ozz and the demon Azzy.. However when you try to talk to them there is no diolague options at all even when I tried to bribe them and Ozz also has no head :P

I need to to be bale to talk to tthem and fix the hovering teeth that has no face for poor ozzy.


Thanks much !!

I better get that benthan manor mod working so they will all have beds to sleep in can I buy more furnature for the house at all?

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Crashes when loading are typically caused by a missing Master File; these end in ".esm". Look Very carefully at the instructions for all the mods. A good bet is that one of them needs a Master File that you do not have enabled.


Sometimes I've seen mods reference the "GetPlayerInSEworld" variable, which will not be present if you don't have Shivering Isles, and will cause problems, but there is no way of telling without looking. They do this without even thinking about it, and it never occurs to them that this variable makes SI required.


The next step for anybody better than me to help you is to post your Load Order.


This is from BBen if you don't know how to do that:


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  • 3 months later...
I'm able to install Skye just fine and I have no problems with her in the game,but why doesn't she have a voice? I've tried giving her a voice as well with the custom voice mod but the that didn't work either. Am I doing something wrong or am I missing something?
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