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UGH everytime I am about to make a really large post I get this "Connection to the server is timed out" bull crud and cant do nothing for like 10 minutes and my post data is lost. This never happened before a week ago, whats up?
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Server saturation.....simple as that. Steps are in the works and possible solutions are under consideration presently. With the new server configuration the load is now spread across all the servers. Some optimization tweaks may need to be done to eliminate interuptions completely.


Site usage statistics are at an all time high, you would not believe the bandwidth for a month last month was 71TBs. 65 million page views.


But we are aware of the issues as we suffer them as well. There is no quick fix on this and several possible actions are being discussed and considered.


Stay tuned for further developments.



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I've been noticing this too. At least I know it's not just me though. I was cursing Verizon because I thought it was some kind of congestion on their end.


@ ranokoa:


What I would suggest is something I have made a habit of doing for years and years now. I am quite verbose, and my posts frequently take up a considerable amount of my time. I also put a lot of thought and energy into my posts, so you can imagine my anger when losing posts due to bad connections (for whatever reason). Let's just say I've had to replace my mouse more than once, and my keyboard too. Okay, so I also have an anger management issue, but that's neither here nor there. LOL.


Anyway, here's what I do now. As soon as I am done typing my post and am about ready to submit it, I first select all of it and copy it before clicking submit. Alternatively, if it's really big or I really really don't want to lose it, I might paste it into Notepad temporarily. That way no matter what, I won't lose my post even if I get a connection error. I can just paste it back in and try again until it goes through.


Just my 2 cents. My peripherals endorse this method.

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I was just about to say that, I copy and paste everything when I know it took a bit. It's just too risky when pulling stuff off like that. It's something to remember while scripting too ranokoa, as you're doing that more often it'll take more time in CS. So when CS-crashes while you're de-bugging without saving :)..Lol, I got about +/- 10 notes from notepad on my desktop because of this.


Site usage statistics are at an all time high, you would not believe the bandwidth for a month last month was 71TBs. 65 million page views.

The host has to love this site. I definitely noticed, firefox gives me a lot of timeouts lately. A quick hit on F5 helps, but it's happening quite often indeed.

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I was just about to say that, I copy and paste everything when I know it took a bit. It's just too risky when pulling stuff off like that. It's something to remember while scripting too ranokoa, as you're doing that more often it'll take more time in CS. So when CS-crashes while you're de-bugging without saving :)..Lol, I got about +/- 10 notes from notepad on my desktop because of this.


Oh, yes. I only (still) mod Morrowind - too intimidated to try modding Oblivion - but I always completely build my scripts in Notepad first (both for easy editing and backup), and then I also copy them into Notepad before saving and compiling. Same reason - an unexpected crash could wipe out hours of hard work. I'm not only saved the loss of work, but it gives me a backup record of my scripts just in case I make several changes and the new one is completely borked, requiring going back to a previous version. I love scripting, but some of my best anger moments have arisen through it. LOL.

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Tell me about it ;D, once I get something working I manage to undo that in a couple of minutes.

Oh, yes. I only (still) mod Morrowind - too intimidated to try modding Oblivion - .

Well, it's worth trying. I once did and I'm still alive :). If you'd ever consider to go, ask me for any problems or questions facing this. I know it's slightly difficult, (Move scripts being replaced by animations and parenting objects were the strangest things I've met.) but with the amount of tutorials available on the wiki it's never been more easy to move over :).

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Lol you cant copy and paste a poll, i had this happen once when creating one, you think you have everything all sorted out, then it times out on you as you try to connect, then i have try again because the history was deleted :wallbash: . Anyway its annoying but i can live with it.
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UGH everytime I am about to make a really large post I get this "Connection to the server is timed out"
I have run into this many times over the years. Usually, a simply click of the back button is all that's needed for a normal post (well, I use Firefox so I am not 100% sure about other browsers).


When I get long-winded, I usually have the habbit of pressing CTRL+A, CTRL+C just before I click the submit button. Firefox and other browsers have had the habit of crashing and a quick copy to clipboard has saved me a few times. However, Firefox now has the capability of saving your form data even if your PC loses power. The next time you open your browser when it was shutdown unexpectedly, it asks if you would like to restore your sessions and can put you back on all the tabs you were using along with the text you were typing...wow.


But, I am getting carried away. Just get into the habit of pressing CTRL+A, CTRL+C if you "think" it might get lost...even in documents, the construction set, whatever.



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UGH everytime I am about to make a really large post I get this "Connection to the server is timed out"
I have run into this many times over the years. Usually, a simply click of the back button is all that's needed for a normal post (well, I use Firefox so I am not 100% sure about other browsers).

IE still doesn't support this, as far as I know, and I still remember a few times that I had to re-write posts with firefox because of one error or another when posting.


I also was one of those people who would copy things to a notepad document on their desktop, except that I ended up filling 80%-90% of the space with old scripts, posts, and other notes, so that didn't help much. At the moment I have a folder shortcut on my desktop specifically for documents (due to how windows 7 scales things on your desktop, it has much less room than I had before (as well as a recycle bin icon I can't get rid of)), but still havn't gone back to move everything to that folder. Although it frees up more room for other stuff, the downside is that I occasionally forget about some of the documents that I need to update for one reason or another, so this isn't a good solution either.

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I wasn't talking about pasting the copied text into notepad or any other document...just copy into memory before submitting the form. If it does not take for whatever reason, you should only need to post again and paste the text from the clipboard. Strictly a just-in-case maneuver that is quick-n-easy.


TIP: As for desktop items, I tend to keep every document I create under a "MyData" folder so it easy to backup. I typically only create shortcuts on my desktop to folders or documents under that folder location.



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