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Export cell for editing


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Hello. I have a esm file and I want to export one cell for another person to edit and then merge the cell back to esm when he is done.


But I have problem - I have a lot of packages and these packages use markers in this cell.

When I edit the esp with the cell and try to merge it back,all script packages lose markers. Instead of markers there are "(none)in(nonce)"


When I copy "aacave" with its temporary and persistent references to new esp, I leave original Cell in the master file so packages don't lose markerks.


So, I finished edited "aacaveDUBLICATE000" cell(Dublicate000 is added when I open esp at GECK and it realizes that there are 2 aacave cells and adds "DUBLICATE000" to the cell name and every reference there is).


Now I want to merge it. In FNVEdit I delete "aacave" cell and copy override "aacavedublicate000cell" and manually delete "Dublicate000" from the cell name and the name of every reference. And packages still lose markerks. I though that I could "deceive" GECK by adding cell and reference with the same name.


Can anyone help me? What should I do? I definately need to split file into 2 so I can work on the mod while another person is editing the cell.


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give them the .esm and have them create a new .esp using your .esm as a master. Once there done updating the cell in a .esp that requires your .esm as a master. you can then use FNVplugin Utility to merge the update into the version of he master your also working on.

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Are you sure that FNVpluign will merge everything right?

I tried merging dialogues in it and when there were 2 identical records, that program only could add them to file by changing the name of the transferred records but not by simply replacing them with each other.

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I use it all the time when working on NVInteriors. Dialogue and scripts can be an issue if you don't know the changes in a mod but it works well for simple cell merges and updates. you see your not adding a new cell named aacave when you use your .esm as a master the game looks at it as a mod that edits that cell (If you get my drift) Example would be if I edit the lucky 38 the game sees my .esp as an override to the original L38 cell not a new L38 cell.

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