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Strong female body


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I've sought and have not found it, so I'm making my outrageous, scandalous request right here:


A female body mod that'd pack some muscle. I'm not talking extreme, ridiculous amounts of steroided bodybuilders (or above), but all body mods i've encountered thus far feature the god damn noodle arms. While yes, it is reasonable to expect that a vault-grown girl wouldn't have much in the way of muscle mass... well, exceptions are possible and most of them surely WOULD develop some after wondering in the wastes and fighting for their lives. This goes quadruply for all high-ST, high-EN melee and/or unarmed fighters. Even more so considering how strong the male bodies look.


As I said, I'm not looking for this, but rather something more... real. Not a steroid job, but someone who needed strength first, and the visible muscle that came with it was secondary. A marine, a MMA fighter, a private Vasquez, trainers etc. A few examples of what I am talking about. (no nudity, but some bikini, so best to make sure your boss is off scratching his balls again before you open them). A bit of six-pack, some arm and leg muscle, but without going into extremes. Also, yeah, I know not all of them are exactly the epitome of femininity and classic female beauty but then, who said the Lone Wanderer has to be that? Especially if she goes around, punching super mutant behemoths to death.


Surely I can't be the only one who'd like that idea?

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I was actually wanting to make a more muscular body for the Raider females, because... well... they are Raiders, they wouldn't survive otherwise...


But when it comes down to it, makeing a body replacer that only replaces a select group in the wasteland, that would also allow the player character to wear Raider armor taken from them, without temporarily haveing the Raider body type while they have it equiped, is pretty hard.


The biggest problem is, that I would have to go through and change the outfit meshes to fit the new body type, and for me that is just too much work.

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The race idea is interesting, actually... to get more believable-looking female combatants AND avoid every non-combatant also sporting a good sixpack. Also, since my knowledge of making mods is about as great as an average brick's knowledge of Greek philosophy, I have to ask what parts are the complex ones? Type3 and other such change the body model, did they go through refitting all the clothes, too? Or do they revert back to original when wearing regular armor/clothing?
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This guy here




has figured out how to get multiple body types working with their respective armors, so it is deffinatly possible to work, but would still require adjusting the armors for the new body type, which I don't even know how to do



I don't mess with Fallout that much anymore, I spend most of my time in 3Ds Max and Photoshop makeing models. But if I do get the mesh done I will upload the file as a moders resource and see if anyone else is interested in trying to get it to work.

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I agree with this idea. Maybe it's just because one of the examples was Ripley from the movie Aliens, but still, a built chick would be good for the wasteland. Just so long as it's not like the GUTS body replacer for Oblivion. That was sickeningly musclebound.
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I agree with this idea. Maybe it's just because one of the examples was Ripley from the movie Aliens, but still, a built chick would be good for the wasteland. Just so long as it's not like the GUTS body replacer for Oblivion. That was sickeningly musclebound.


I would've went with Vasquez but yeah a woman can tough without looking like the "Govinator" :P

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Lol at least I was close. If it was a hand grenade, I would have won! I forgot that Ripley had hair in that particular Aliens movie though, the last one i saw was Alien 3 and she shaved her head so I gets confuzzeled. But, it wouldn't have hurt to read the image name either.


Yup, I could totally make use of a mod like that though. I'm just picturing vasquez splattering super mutants with a minigun along with Brick from Riley's Rangers. Of course I also had a weird image of the mysterious stranger being replaced by Mr. T and armed with a lethal rolling pin instead of a .44 magnum... but thats not really related to this... However awsome it may be

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