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Request : Viking armor & helmet


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I'm a big fan of the viking era history and I am also a big skyrim fan. I have mostly every possible mods with a nordic theme to it, going from boats, armor and weapons.


I'm a big fan of the ArthusReus Northman armor mod and InsanitySorrow & MAIBATSU swords but it seems this community lack a real viking armor mod or somewhat something close to it or at least more viking stuff to skyrim.


I am requesting a mod based on this armor concept or something similar. I would really love if anyone with the talent and the patience could make my dream true or somehow make an armor based on this or at least something similar.


I'm sure there is many people here who have the talent and patience to do it which is something I don't have and I'm sure this mod would not only satisfy my needs but also the community.


Thank you very much !







Edited by reviel
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  • 5 weeks later...
That concept armor is awesome. It's ideally the style of armor most Norse adventurers are wishing to use for their characters, unfortunately most of the Viking themed armor mods currently out there fall far short of this. Hopefully someone with a heart sees this and makes it reality!
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This thing is Easy as hell, get me more image reference and I might do it if I find some free time :D

I have some other pictures. Might not be the same ones, but it's lamellar armorhttp://dreuxderouen.tripod.com/images/frontview.jpghttp://battle-ready.com/home/wp-content/uploads/armour_lamellar_cameron_3.jpg

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Well if someone does actually make this armor set, I humbly beg to be informed cause the whole lamellar style armor fits extremely well with the chronicles of steel mod...totally gives the true Nordic vibe
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