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Beautiful People mod


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Sorry to post yet another plea for help I hope this is the last one.


I am trying to load up beautiful people mod since ren's combined with sonyas hair didnt work out. I found a mod that supposedly fixes that combines it with rens beautiful people and sonya's hair and to no avail it still doesnt work!

The mystic race and soccerer race doesnt show up either..

Am I missing something? do I need a compatability mod of some kind?


Its late and I am going to bed Its ben a long day of fighting with mods and redownloading games for me.



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Im also having a similar problem with the Ren's beauty pack...i can see races and eyes but not hairs......

what causes this?


What Operating system do you have?I had to disable UAC in windows vista I am going to check it now to see if that worked. I am also going t check my load order and out it close to the bottom see if that helps too. Feel free to email me^^

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Im also having a similar problem with the Ren's beauty pack...i can see races and eyes but not hairs......

what causes this?


What Operating system do you have?I had to disable UAC in windows vista I am going to check it now to see if that worked. I am also going t check my load order and out it close to the bottom see if that helps too. Feel free to email me^^

Ok just an update those tricks didnt work the special hair and races like mystic elf still are not showing up.


Anyone else having this issue?


I always install my mods by hand meshes to meshes ect.. So I know I was really careful. I'll try deteing it and re dowingling it and use OBMM to installit maybe that will help.

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:confused: Also having trouble with Ren's atm, which is odd, it was working just fine last week, but now that I've reinstalled, it doesn't seem to want to cooperate.

All hairs, eyes, etc, show up on the base races, but nothing on any custom race.


Ahh this is what I did to get at least the hair to work the problem now is everyone has black eyes...


the load order sometimes you have to play with changing the order around... things below will over run the mod on top. so here is my order.. I got the hair I just need to get the eyes working and Im nervous about trying to load up stoker the romantic companion mod he has to be on the bottomm no matter what.

here is my load order I am going to switch up the beauty packs and see what happens



THE OBMM download was way worth not that big of a deal to fiddle with.

especially when you can change up load order with a simple click rather than re load most mods.


Think of it like a paint shop program like ps or gimp.. some layers need to go ontop inorder for them to show. ALot of eople dont realise that everything has an order and many many layers. So these mods have to be layerd or stacked right.


Thank guad I catch on quick...


here is my load order I am going to switch up the beauty packs and see what happens


CM Partners.esm



CM Partners NPC.esp

CM Partners.esp

CM Partners More NPCs.esp

CM Partners Marker NPCs.esp

CM Partners Special NPCs.esp




Ancient Elven Sorcerer - DV.esp

Ancient Elven Sorcerer - EV.esp

CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp

Ancient Elven Sorceress - DV.esp

Ancient Elven Sorceress - EV.esp




Kikai & Slof Clothing.esp


Beautiful People.esp


_Ren_BeautyPack_full + Soya's hair.esp



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:confused: Also having trouble with Ren's atm, which is odd, it was working just fine last week, but now that I've reinstalled, it doesn't seem to want to cooperate.

All hairs, eyes, etc, show up on the base races, but nothing on any custom race.


Ahh this is what I did to get at least the hair to work the problem now is everyone has black eyes...


the load order sometimes you have to play with changing the order around... things below will over run the mod on top. so here is my order.. I got the hair I just need to get the eyes working and Im nervous about trying to load up stoker the romantic companion mod he has to be on the bottomm no matter what.

here is my load order I am going to switch up the beauty packs and see what happens



THE OBMM download was way worth not that big of a deal to fiddle with.

especially when you can change up load order with a simple click rather than re load most mods.


Think of it like a paint shop program like ps or gimp.. some layers need to go ontop inorder for them to show. ALot of eople dont realise that everything has an order and many many layers. So these mods have to be layerd or stacked right.


Thank guad I catch on quick...


here is my load order I am going to switch up the beauty packs and see what happens


CM Partners.esm



CM Partners NPC.esp

CM Partners.esp

CM Partners More NPCs.esp

CM Partners Marker NPCs.esp

CM Partners Special NPCs.esp




Ancient Elven Sorcerer - DV.esp

Ancient Elven Sorcerer - EV.esp

CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp

Ancient Elven Sorceress - DV.esp

Ancient Elven Sorceress - EV.esp




Kikai & Slof Clothing.esp


Beautiful People.esp


_Ren_BeautyPack_full + Soya's hair.esp





Ok AN update I got the hair to work finally!! I played with the load order that seemed to work and I also reinstalled ren and sonyia thing back using OBMM that seemed to work.

I didnt notice that there wasa file calle elaborate eyes that I needed to double click on since I only started using OBMM today with out much instruction. The instructions were more like stereo directions.


I can be a Mystic elf the socerer is still not showing up. thats ok im sick of fighting with it. Im off to DL BOSS to get my load order right.


One thing I will say about elaborate eyes now that my eyes actually show.... they are crooked in a very ugly way.. im off to investigate that.

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I would like to suggest reading this section of a readme file that I wrote. It's for a different cosmetic and hair pack, but it will help to explain why your races, hairs and eyes are not cooperating. Also, if you search for the word "googly" in this forum or the Bethesda forums you'll find information about texture errors with eyes.
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  • 6 months later...
Im also having a similar problem with the Ren's beauty pack...i can see races and eyes but not hairs......

what causes this?


What Operating system do you have?I had to disable UAC in windows vista I am going to check it now to see if that worked. I am also going t check my load order and out it close to the bottom see if that helps too. Feel free to email me^^



Try disabling your Windows live to start, then disable your UAC messages. Always activate your fomod updates, but sometimes that may cause a crash because it'll find one and you can't use the one your using already. That's just a couple of suggestions, is all.

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