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Please help me make FOSE work!

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I want to make 2 mods that need fose to work well... work! i have downloaded one and it wouldnt work nomatter what i did, i only mannaged to get the "non-fose" version to work, but it's an older version :( The second one (i just noticed both mods are by the same person!) i have not downloaded yet and i probbly wont untill i get the first one working.


My problem is FOSE just doesn't seem to want to work.

It might be i am using the GOTY Edition? Or... i noticed Fose needs a patched game, could someone point me in the direction of the nearest (and latest) Patch, please? :)


Thank you in advance.


Before i go... i have also tried getting the beta and the "stable" version of fose to work, neither do.

Although the Fose launcher seems to be working!

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