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Mod idea : Game effecting deaths?


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Mod suggestion

Death penalty

This is a very simple mod suggesting that would have you chracter in fallout 3 have a teleporter in their megoton/tenpenny house installed instaltly (Or mabey from talking to the woman in the crater sidesupply shop (moria brown i think her name is?))


What this teleporter would do is when your character reatches 0 health instead of dieing you would be teleported back to you megaton/tenpenny house and have to pay a free.(you would only be healed up to about 5 health)

e.g. 100caps, 10% or your caps , whatever weapon was held at the time , Amount of caps depending on level.


There are a few places that this could be annoying unless there is a way for the teleporter to teleport you back for a certian amout of caps.

But overall I think it would make dieing in the game effect the game insted of just reloading from an autosave as if nothing happened.



A teleporter that teleports you to your house when you die and costs caps so dieing effects the game and makes it harder so you have an insentive to stay alive as long as possible.


Any modders that want to try to make this idea happen are more then welcomed to!

I will put you name(s) down so if any modders want to help they can contact you.


I dont mind if you make this mod as your own. I just carnt mod and would love to see this mod happen!


Thanks a lot!


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Hmm, that would be interesting, especially if it could be made so that you drop not only your weapon, but the armor as well, and could retrieve them by going back to where you died.


It'd be a nice alternative to simply reloading from the last save.


I second the motion! :)

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