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My Little Anthro Ponies


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Alright, fair enough. Although anything else that can be frenzied (ants and mantises I believe) are easy enough to kill anyway so they wouldn't pose too much of a problem. Personally, a 5% chance sounds a bit low, but maybe that's just me.

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I released the next version for the testers. This version has all of the perks for the ponies.


It includes:


-Fixed the normal map on Chrysalis' horn. It was super shiny.
-Added code to force the ponies to holster their weapons when told to wait.
-Removed unused records. Again.
-Changed Level for Freindship Is Magic perk to 26.
-Removed dirty edits from the file.
-Added check to prevent the iNumberOfPoniesPlayerHas variable from begin bumped an integer when replacing dead ponies.
-Added check to give the ponies their special ammo when they lose it. Quest Flag does not work on ammo, allowing it to be removed when switched out. Also added check to remove extra ammo over 5.
-Fixed stilted player prompt when confirming they do want another pony with Bon Bon and Applejack.
-Fixed a code loophole that would occur if the player selected Nevermind in the pony selection screen when they were attempting to replace or summon the second pony. After selecting Nevermind, talking to the first pony and telling them the player wants to switch them would trick the script into summoning another pony instead of switching the one you were talking to. Afterward, the script worked normally, but the second pony was stuck in the first slot, instead of the second.
-Removed all of the pony armor from the Armor Formlists to prevent the player from getting them when changing race.
-Prevented switching ponies when the player or the pony in question is in combat.
-Prevented the startup message from displaying while the player is in combat.
-Added a three day wait between switching ponies. The player can only switch the pony if they have been in the party for three days.
-Added a check to limit the startup message options. If the player is a pony when the startup message appears, the "I wish to become a pony." and "Both!" option are disabled.
-Added Perks.
-Added a check to the ponies to remove weapons from another pony in their inventory and add theirs if it had been moved by the switching script. The weapons are currently broken, and their quest item status is not being recognized by the game.

-Corrected spelling on switching confirmation dialogue for Fiddlesticks.
-Temporarily removed the outfits for Chrysalis and Molestia from their inventories.

-Added check to prevent the iPlayerHasGenericPony from going over or under it's limit, breaking the count and the Power Of Friendship Perk.

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Considering what her perk is, I'm sure Molestia doesn't mind having her outfit removed from her inventory. :P
Okay, my mind is going to climb out of the gutter now.

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Yay! I'll keep this nothing and love it and treasure it forever and ever. Hah, I do get it. It's Milky Way, who looks very similar to Fiddlesticks.

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Oh my god I haven't posted in a while. I've been busy working on the models and adding ponies unnecessarily. Still need to make new models to replace one I never got permission to use or are just absolutely garbage, and of course paint them all. Also been looking for icons for the perks because the person working on them has become very busy, leaving me to find some temps until he can return fully.


I have two for Celestia and Luna, and the images were authored by one of the most popular folks in the fandom: Egophilliac, the creator of Moonstuck. She(?) gave me permission to use the following:



The Luna one looks good in game, but Celestia's is too bright and gives off a fake glare. Will work on them.

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