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Modded Oblivion extremely slow on some places


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I was googling for a while, but cannot find any solution.


I am playing Oblivion for quite a long time - have all Mages guild quest, almost finished in Arena.


But step by step Oblivion is going to be unplayable.


Firstly it happened outside Arena, in Arena district, everything extremely slow. A single change of animation takes about 2 sec. Moving from district doors to arena doors take me minutes. It is actually unplayable, especially fighting. Step by step other places started to be extremely slow too - Imperial docks, north-west of Skingrad, etc. Changing video options to minimum doesn't help.


I think it has nothing to do oblivion settings. When I load older saves with same mods applied everything is ok, only new saves are unplayable.


I tried Oblivion A-bomb fixer, but it had nothing to do with my problem.


I am totally desperate.

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- Edit - Didn't read all of your original post before jumping to conclusions ... you already tried OAF.

Edited by Striker879
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  • 4 weeks later...

hello, I could resolve the problem.

It was connected to mods. Not sure which one.

I just disabled few mods like harvest containers, harvest flora, realistic levelling, and ran TES4edit.


Will find later which one caused it. For now I suspect harvest mods.

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