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Questions About Intelligence


The Questions That Needs Answers.  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Are You Smart ? Why ?

    • [Smart] My High Level Education
    • [Smart] It's a Natural Gift
    • [Smart] I Used Techniques
    • [Smart] Because Everyone Says So
    • [Smart] I Can Learn Quickly
    • [Smart] By Training, Learning, And Beyond
    • [Smart] My High IQ
    • [Smart] I Used My Brain Better Than Most People
    • [Smart] Other Reasons
    • [Not Smart]
  2. 2. How Is Your IQ ?

    • Over 164
    • 156 - 164
    • 148 - 156
    • 132 - 148
    • 116 - 132
    • 100 - 116
    • 84 - 100
    • 68 - 84
    • 52 - 68
    • Below 52
  3. 3. Which Is More Dominant ?

    • Left Brain
    • Quite Balanced
    • Right Brain

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Intelligent is a relative term (if you were to meet some of my relatives you would already know that) :whistling:

Some of the most intelligent - based on IQ are also some of the dumbest.

And some not so intelligent people - again based on IQ, have considerable common sense (what's so common about common sense?) :wink:

Most of the IQ tests I have taken measure your ability to take IQ tests, not intelligence. Although intelligence is a factor in the ability to take tests. Other factors include your ability to guess well, and to pick the most reasonable answer from a limited selection without knowing anything about the subject, And how much you had to drink the night before. :cool:

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  xxXEvandarXxx said:
I did one of those IQ tests and it said my IQ is 121. Is that good or what?


The mean IQ of people averaged is 100 points, with a standard deviation of 15 points. 85 - 115 is the "average range" and 70 - 130 is the expected range. Your IQ, is within the expected range, but is above average.


  Ancient Aeon said:
It's a long time since I made my last poll.


Please be honest.


There's a lot of free IQ test out there, and you could always guess.


Well, to be honest, I wouldn't restrict intelligence to mainly IQ scores and such. While they are good measures of test-taking skills, relative knowledge, and memory, they often don't take into account common sense, communication skills, practical intelligence, and motor skills. All of which are also forms of intelligence. Often in many "Western" countries, the IQ test is the main measure of a person's general intelligence. However, in many other countries, they don't care how good of an IQ you may have - they're more interested in your common sense and/or social abilities. In addition, IQ tests can often be quite biased, even with regulations on them. They contain information that may be only well-known among the residents of the country where said test is taken in. For example, one person may have an IQ of 125 in one country, but 118 in another because the test he/she took in the second country contained a lot of exclusive info about that particular country's history or politics or culture, or whatever, that the person didn't know about.


About my intelligence though, I'd probably say I'm smart because I tend to learn quickly.

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I haven't taken a credible IQ test so I wouldn't know. If ACT standardized testing holds any merit, I'm apparently in the top 6%. Though, I'm not sure if a lot of your ACT score is dependent on how well you can take a test.


I would say I'm intelligent enough today because I've always had natural curiosity and a good memory.

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this is fun :) i voted for left side as well Aeon my old mate


What does it mean to be left brain dominant or right brain dominant?


Scientists have explored theories about the two hemispheres of the brain and the ways that they differ in function and control of the body. According to recent research, people who are right brain dominant and those who are left brain dominant process information and respond in different ways.


Most theories suggest that right-brain dominant people are guided by the more emotional, intuitive right hemisphere while left-brain people respond in sequential, logical ways, guided by the left hemisphere. To a great degree, your personality is shaped by your brain type.


Your dominant brain type has a very significant affect on your study skills, homework habits, and grades. For instance, some students may struggle with specific assignment types or test questions, based on their specific brain types.


By understanding your dominant brain type, you may be able to adjust your study methods, and perhaps shape your schedule and coursework, to suit your own personality type.


hmm logical amd maddness thats me lol oh the last time i did a iq test i got over 170 so.....

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this is fun :) i voted for left side as well Aeon my old mate


What does it mean to be left brain dominant or right brain dominant?


Scientists have explored theories about the two hemispheres of the brain and the ways that they differ in function and control of the body. According to recent research, people who are right brain dominant and those who are left brain dominant process information and respond in different ways.


Most theories suggest that right-brain dominant people are guided by the more emotional, intuitive right hemisphere while left-brain people respond in sequential, logical ways, guided by the left hemisphere. To a great degree, your personality is shaped by your brain type.


Your dominant brain type has a very significant affect on your study skills, homework habits, and grades. For instance, some students may struggle with specific assignment types or test questions, based on their specific brain types.


By understanding your dominant brain type, you may be able to adjust your study methods, and perhaps shape your schedule and coursework, to suit your own personality type.


hmm logical amd maddness and very streetwise thats me lol oh the last time i did a iq test i got over 170 so.....

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