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Like button


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Hey guys, so if I see a post I really like or agree with my first thought is "Oh I better like this" (as I used to spend plenty of time on the enjin forums), then always disappointed to find out there is no like button, I don't think a dislike button is a good idea I know it unbalances things but it can cause arguments and drama, I know from first hand experience, but a small feature can go a long way :thumbsup:



I believe thats all I have to say, thank you for reading and have a nice day.

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We had a like/not like button a few years ago and it was terribly abused and caused nothing but drama. Dark0ne tossed it all out. I'm not even sure it would go any better if there is just a like button by itself.


I wouldn't look for it to make a comeback anytime in the next hundred or so years. Sorry about that.


Now if you have any other ideas about how we can get people recognized that add to this community if it be mod authors or just folks being helpful on the forums then we'd love to hear them. :)

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13 Years!?!? Jees, well I'll be here from now on, or at least until I lose permanent interest in modding, or I get banned and have no reason to be unbanned. Most bans here are trolls, or people who don't read the terms of service and break the rules by accident, I read the terms of service but I do like many others forget and have to constantly recheck it just so I won't get banned.

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This is why we have formal warnings. To give folks a little love tap to let them know they might be walking on thin ice. :)

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I read the terms of service but I do like many others forget and have to constantly recheck it just so I won't get banned.


Huh? :huh:


The ToS haven't really changed in, oh... forever. (Although the wording for them was updated this Spring.)


What will bring the Banhammer down on your account:


1. Admitting to, advocating for, or facilitating piracy in any form.

2. Uploading anything which you, yourself, did not create without first obtaining explicit permission to do so.

3. Being egregiously rude, insulting, or abusive to the other members or the Staff.


That's it. :thumbsup:


And even those last two have some wiggle room, depending on the severity of the offense. Any other infractions may result in a PM reminder, an Informal Warning, or a Formal Warning (with or without Restrictions.) But no reason to worry about being banned if you can just behave politely, with respect for everyone else here, including all those wonderful people who create the games and the mods!


(OK. Technically, I left off the other kinds of things that'll get you banned: 1) Posting anything illegal, 2) Posting malware, and 3) Creating multiple accounts, whether to circumvent a Ban or not.)

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I'd think a Schrodinger button would serve best. That way no one gets hurt feelings but gets the benefit of some attention and a safe way to voice an opinion.



Edited by Tidus44
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Thandal, I said" I read the terms of service but I do like many others forget " Because there are a lot, and I mean A LOT of words in there, you can't expect anyone to remember it all, In one go anyway.

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