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What happens to Vampires after they die?


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Since the only way to do it is either by being partially soul trapped, or by becoming a Vampire. If the Dovahkiin had no soul - then no soul trap option.



True enough. I'll have to remember that if it ever comes up again. I'm still more partial to the idea that a Vampire's soul is constantly being drained away, and that their 'feeding' is as much replenishing that power as the need for the actual blood. It would explain why they don't have to be partially soul-trapped to enter the Soul Cairn, since we can assume that as Undead they are already bound to it.


Which makes one wonder what Molag Bal's link to the Soul Cairn, and the Ideal Masters, is.

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Which makes one wonder what Molag Bal's link to the Soul Cairn, and the Ideal Masters, is.



Maybe the soul cairn is a splinter of his realm, and the ideal masters are beings allowed to continue existing/ruling because they offer the collected souls to him. It was speculated that souls were treated as a type of currency there.


Used for paying the landlord his rent perhaps?

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Which makes one wonder what Molag Bal's link to the Soul Cairn, and the Ideal Masters, is.



Maybe the soul cairn is a splinter of his realm, and the ideal masters are beings allowed to continue existing/ruling because they offer the collected souls to him. It was speculated that souls were treated as a type of currency there.


Used for paying the landlord his rent perhaps?





Since the only way to do it is either by being partially soul trapped, or by becoming a Vampire. If the Dovahkiin had no soul - then no soul trap option.



True enough. I'll have to remember that if it ever comes up again. I'm still more partial to the idea that a Vampire's soul is constantly being drained away, and that their 'feeding' is as much replenishing that power as the need for the actual blood. It would explain why they don't have to be partially soul-trapped to enter the Soul Cairn, since we can assume that as Undead they are already bound to it.


Which makes one wonder what Molag Bal's link to the Soul Cairn, and the Ideal Masters, is.



Wait, what's this about the Soul Cairn being related to Coldharbour? Molag Bal's the Daedra of Domination, I don't think he would be involved at all with the S.C.


If anything, Sithis would be connected to the soul Cairn and the Ideal Masters, Seeing as how one of the original deities of Mundus, and the embodiment of nothingness/death.

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I had the theory that the Soul Cairn is a fragment of a previous Kalpa that Alduin missed. It's why Dagon used it as a staging area during Jagar Tharn's little stunt, because he remembers stashing it away before he got turned into Dagon by Alduin when the drac found out what he and Lorkhan were doing.

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Since the only way to do it is either by being partially soul trapped, or by becoming a Vampire. If the Dovahkiin had no soul - then no soul trap option.



True enough. I'll have to remember that if it ever comes up again. I'm still more partial to the idea that a Vampire's soul is constantly being drained away, and that their 'feeding' is as much replenishing that power as the need for the actual blood. It would explain why they don't have to be partially soul-trapped to enter the Soul Cairn, since we can assume that as Undead they are already bound to it.


Which makes one wonder what Molag Bal's link to the Soul Cairn, and the Ideal Masters, is.



There is something to this that I noticed recently however I am not sure if it has always been there or if it is a function of a mod I am using. While in VL form and you feed on a mage NPC you will draw some of their spell casting expertise, if they are an illusion mage you will get a illusion skill up about equal to reading a book. I got all kinds of skill ups after killing a tower full of necro's though not much use for a sword and board vampire.


As for how the cattle are I always thought that was a product of being under the seduction spell or another like it that keeps them docile. NPCs seem to respond the same way when I cast it on them before feeding but my spell only lasts 10 seconds. I can't being to imagine the damage done to the brain if left constantly under that type of spell.

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There is something to this that I noticed recently however I am not sure if it has always been there or if it is a function of a mod I am using. While in VL form and you feed on a mage NPC you will draw some of their spell casting expertise, if they are an illusion mage you will get a illusion skill up about equal to reading a book. I got all kinds of skill ups after killing a tower full of necro's though not much use for a sword and board vampire.



That's interesting... i may have to test that. I've never played a Vampire in Skyrim. Haven't since Morrowind, in fact... until i discovered what they are and how they came about. Vile, despicable creatures. However, if you do drain some of the power and knowledge from your victims, it goes a long way to support the idea that vampires consume more than their victims blood.



Wait, what's this about the Soul Cairn being related to Coldharbour? Molag Bal's the Daedra of Domination, I don't think he would be involved at all with the S.C.


If anything, Sithis would be connected to the soul Cairn and the Ideal Masters, Seeing as how one of the original deities of Mundus, and the embodiment of nothingness/death.


Molag Bal was the Daedric Prince of Undeath (and domination, rape, plots, bad dental care, etc) until that sphere was usurped by Mannimarco during his apotheosis from the Warp in the West. Mannimarco essentially 'stole' part of Molag Bal and used that to form his own divine presence, the Necromancers Moon.


Sithis also isn't a deity. Not really. He's the 'Soul of Padomay'. The Void pre-dates Sithis, if anything can really pre-date anything before the birth of the Aka-Tusk. Anyway, Sithis isn't nothingness/death, rather he is limitation. Death is only one, minor aspect of Sithis. Creation is just as great a limitation as destruction, and Sithis is that which created the universe by dividing the infinite Grey into the primordial spirit-concepts.


Don't let the Dark Brotherhood and their Mephala-dupe fool you, Sithis is more than just a soul-consuming void. In fact, it probably isn't even that at all...

Edited by Lachdonin
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