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Portable Tent comparison


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I thought I'd do a quick summary of the portable tents in TESnexus. Which is your favourite? Are any horribly bugged? Did I miss any? :biggrin:


Bedrolls and Tents Anyone

Basic bedroll / tents on sale in shops around Cyrodiil. They can be put down, slept in, picked up again. Bedrolls and tents come in several varieties.


Treleth's Portable Tent

Big portable tent, bed and persistent containers inside. Able to fast travel to the tent.


Bond's Big Portable Tent

Based on Treleth's Portable Tent (with permission). Installation looks a bit fiddly. Apart from recolouring I'm not sure what differences were made.


Portable Fire and Tent

Seems much the same as Bedrolls and Tents Anyone, except that it includes a campfire.


Pitchable Tent Remix

Similar to Treleth's Portable Tent, but no marker for fast travel.



Similar to Treleth's Portable Tent, but includes multiple bedrolls for players who like companions.


Enchanted Portable Tent

A very fancy, and very expensive, tent. You can change the colour scheme to your taste, or at your whim. Optional extras use COBL. Only one bed - but it's a four poster.


Ash's Portable Tent

A basic tent with storage. Seems a little user-unfriendly in places.

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I think you may be missing one: Portable Campsite by Dark Monk. It's the only one I've ever used and comes complete with tent, bedroll, stool, usable sack, toggable campfire, and map marker--each of which are portable. I like to set up camps outside any wilderness homes I have (for decoration mostly) and only keep the sleeping bag for gaining levels on the go. It also gives you a multi-esp option to auto-add to your iventory or buy from a merchant. Ever since installing this mod I've never felt the need for any other of its kind.
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