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Anyone ever see the potential in the story,"The Exodus"? It is a restoration skill book, and tells a story of necromancy, located on an island off the coast of winterhold. I was wanting to request that someone look into this and begin creating a new Mod or Questline bases off the story.. i have no experience or skill in making mods or using CK in any advanced way, so natually i am interested to see if anyone will take thsi project.
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I was thinking it would be like the civil war or dawnguard, allowing you to side with the necromancers somehow or wiping them out completly.. some plot/story would need to be created obviously, but i couldnt just pass up the idea.
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I did have a mock up storyline involving a few characters from the story and a variant of the questline of Azura's Star but much longer, and possible spells, items, etc.
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