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Friendly radscorpion???


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Today something odd happened.


I went into that old ruined building that's near Tenpenny Tower, the one that Robco faces. Inside, you usually find a dead guy and some critters, or maybe a bunch of ghouls. Today I found the dead guy, and a giant scorpion.

"Okay, no problem.. I'll just blast it a good one," I thought, but then weirdness struck.


The scorpion looked up at me, turned to face me, and.. sat there.

I then noticed in my HUD that it was showing as a friendly!


I took a few steps closer, and then it reacted. it raised a claw, and then the other, and then it's tail, and took turns raising and lowering these while swaying it's body to & fro. When I stopped, it stopped, but didn't go back to relaxing.


FAR OUT! I thought. Somebody at Bethesda must actually have a pet emperor scorpion, and had apparently studied how it acts to other scorpions. This this was acting like a real scorpion would act in a posturing sort of way.


I was tripping out on this, and attempting to engage it in other friendly conversation, when all of a sudden, out of the blue, frickin' DOGMEAT shows up and attacks, ruining everything!

Bad doggy!


Anyway, I had never heard of any sort of non-hostile scorpions in the game. ( except for a megaton mod that I don't have ) Have any of you ever run across this??

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Okay, I did a little googling on it, and it turns out that this isn't so rare.

Apparently there are TWO such scorpions in the game which can spawn as random encounters.

One of them is usually fighting with some ants, or sometime another creature, and will remain friendly as long as you don't annoy it or try to loot the bodies of it's kills.

The second one just spawns randomly, and can not only stay friendly if not provoked, but will often start following you and acting like any other normal companion. This usually only lasts until you run into a fight, at which point it usually turns hostile again after the fight is done.

No word on whether this is a glitch or actually intentional.

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