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Alawen - Where are you?


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I lost Alawen to death in the PS3 version.


I am now well into the PC version which is much better I have to say!


This time I made a point of getting to Alawen before the Grim Reaper and managed to get 2 training lessons for my money, leaving me 3 outstanding.


I went back to Troll Candle Camp as soon as I levelled up and guess what - she's gone AWOL! Not a sign of her.


I've waited from 10pm till 4am, (the allotted time suggested in the Prima Guide), and waited around all day, but it seems she is no more, (again!).


Is there anyway of getting her back?


I'm on 73 on Marksmanship.

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When she goes hunting she'll often get killed by the bandits at the unmarked camp just west of Dasek Moor (the bandits are just off the road as you go up the hill where you can turn off towards Kvatch or continue to Anvil). From my experience if you don't go close to an area nothing bad happens to NPCs in that area (if you aren't in one of the cells nearby none of the bandit or Alawen AI packages run). What I do is make certain to kill the bandits every time I'm anywhere close to that whole area, even if I have no intention of dropping by to see Alawen.


To get her back you'll need to open the console and then:


prid 3c160

resurrect 1


if she doesn't appear nearby it means that her cell has reset since she died. In that case it's:


prid 3c160


resurrect 1


The Unofficial Oblivion patch makes her essential until you have first got her to agree to train you (after that she's changed back to unessential I believe). If you want to make her essential after getting her back then in the console:


setessential 3c15f 1


Note that resurrect and enable use her referenceID while setessential uses her baseID (hence the different IDs used).

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