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I bought Skyrim through Steam and always ran it through Steam. I believe I even got and installed an update through Steam. No mods though.


I played through the game and eventually uninstalled the Steam client as well as the Skyrim.


I find myself thinking about the game and some of the places scenes and adventures I had and was thinking I would reinstall Skyrim...maybe to add Hearthfire and Dragonborn...maybe as a prelude to playing Skyblivion and or Skywind when they are available (if ever).


I have the disc for Skyrim but would like to play it offline--not through the Steam Clinet if possible. At the same time I would like to update the game and perhaps add some mods.


Can someone give me a quick and dirty run down of how to go about installing the game, getting th eupdate and playing off line?


And while were at it, perhaps a list of useful or interesting mods?


A lot to ask I know but I'd appreciate it...I'm only a sometime gamer, mostly fps's (but Skyrim was the best I ever played) and I'm 68 years old so my memory and my tech savvy isn't like it was 20 years ago.

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Skyrim requires the steam client. It is a legal thing; therefore, you will not be able to use NMM or skse without the steam client.

You can, however, set steam in offline mode. This makes it less annoying.

Thanks for taking the time to respond.


How exactly do you do that?


I know this is simple stuff but if I reinstall both the Steam client and the game will I be prompted to get the official updates?


Also, got any mod you might recommend?

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Yes, if you reinstall the steam client and steam, it ill prompt you to get the updates as part of the installation.

I do not think that can be avoided.

On the other hand, at this point pretty much any mod you would want requires skyrim with the latest (1.9) update. So you will really need those updates for a modded game.

The updates also help with some problems that were pretty annoying in the original and early updates.

Once you do that, however, you just open the steam interface, click on the steam button in the top menu and select to have steam in offline mode.

After than, you will need to connect to steam to play, but when you open the client, it will ask if you want to stay in offline mode, and you can just choose yes.

The client takes a little bit of memory, even in offline mode, and unfortunately it will download steam client updates even in "offline mode" but it will not do that with game updates, or force installs of steam client updates (it will just pester you about them until you cave.)


IMO the most useful mods at this point are the unofficial patches. And TES5Edit (actually a utility not a mod)-- I can't remember if that was around a year ago.


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To clarify even more, steam initially connects to the internet to check for updates, and will download and update the client if possible. This is a option that cannot be turned off. But after that you will get a messagebox asking whether to go online or start offline, and if you choose offline here there won't be updates (but skyrim has finished its official updates so unless you have other steam games as well it should be ok to keep it online)


I would like to suggest this (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54277/?) To put it short, it lets you convert aany armor to other types so you don't have to give up looks for playstyle

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Thanks again to both of you. Since I've played the game once, I think the first mods I want to install are anything and everything that enhances appearance without sacrificing gameplay or conflicting.


I want to be amazed by the looks of the game all over again.


And then I'm looking for things that will increase or renew my immersion in the game. I'm not really interested...at this point...in mods that "cheat" so to speak.


Will enhancements to scenery and so forth carry over and not conflict if I dl Dragonborn?

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I do have it to change stats when you convert but yea i agree it is a sorta "cheat" in a way

I don't think scenery conflict; you might overwrite with another but not necessarily conflict i think

You know I didn't mean that in a disparaging or bad way. I just meant that I'm not looking for mods that give me an advantage over what is the default in the game. At least not yet. :thumbsup:

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