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why is my script no longer working?


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Ok, so I have a corpse with an area trigger around it which uses this code:



Scriptname DBM_Guardian04ScriptA extends ObjectReference  

Actor Property PlayerRef Auto
Message Property NOTICE Auto
Int Property DOONCE Auto

Event OnTrigger(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    if DOONCE == 0
    if akactionref == PlayerRef
        DOONCE = 1



And it works just fine, a messge box pops up once and says you seem something glowing, etc etc. Then the body I have this script:



Scriptname DBM_Guardian04Script extends ObjectReference  

Int Property HITONCE auto
Message Property NOTICE auto
Actor Property PlayerRef Auto
MiscObject Property SHARD auto
Quest Property MyQuest auto
Objectreference Property KILLTRIG Auto

Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, \
  bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)
    if KILLTRIG.isdisabled()
    if HITONCE == 0
        HITONCE = 1


and it does nothing. Now it USED to work find before I had the IF check to see if the other trigger was disabled, because I didn't want the player to inadvertently hit the corpse before seeing the message generated by the area trigger. Basically you walk up, the gem fragment you have glows and the one in his stomach glows, which gives you the idea to cut into his gut and get another shard.


So why would the IsDisabled() check cause the second script to not work correctly?

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No idea why.


Try this instead, check the DOONCE variable that you have on the trigger box.

Modified "body script"

Scriptname DBM_Guardian04Script extends ObjectReference  

Int Property HITONCE auto
Message Property NOTICE auto
Actor Property PlayerRef Auto
MiscObject Property SHARD auto
Quest Property MyQuest auto
DBM_Guardian04ScriptA Property MyTriggerScript Auto
{point this to the form holding the trigger box script}

Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, \
	bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)
	if MyTriggerScript.DOONCE == 1
		if HITONCE == 0
Edited by IsharaMeradin
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This doesn't seem to work. I just get this when I try and compile that:


cannot compare a dbm_guardian04scripta to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)

Yeah, I encountered that too on some scripts I was working on. Seems that I got lucky on my initial tests. Anyway, if you use a generic variable to represent the script and call that before the desired property variable or function it works. Edited the code in the previous post to reflect that. Feel free to test it to be sure that it works and inform of the results. If it works, we can leave the code up as an option for anyone else who stumbles across wanting to do something similar.


As far as what fantasy19 said, I should have caught that. Guess I got caught with a word problem (always hated those). I assumed the first script worked since it was stated that it did so. At any rate, at the end of the day, go with fantasy19's suggestion.

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ok, so I tried the revised code and again, it did nothing. It did compile ok, and I did not set any property as it is a stand in for an objectreference and thus I can't define the script in the properties tab, so I left it blank, is there a step I'm missing there?

Even if it is a stand in object, you need to define it. If you don't it won't work for sure. You can always change the definition later when you place the correct object.

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