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Heir to the Legion


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An idea for a mod that i had . I have no programming skills so i hope someone else would be willing to pick it up.





For some reason you have inherited a regiment to Caesar’s Legion

Part 1


Start with a few Weak soldiers, and a small upgradeable encampment. Command your solders to go on missions. Choose who is in charge and how the mission will be handled; no survivors, take prisoners, diplomacy, or say don’t care

(Soldiers can also be used as personal body guards)

Part 2


Choose whose territory to attack NCR, Great Khans, Fiends, Minor Tribes, and Nearby Villages

Missions available

1. Conquer – Add territory to legion receive money from Caesar

2. Raid – Receive Supply for yourself or to distribute among troops

3. Slave Raid- Receive Captured Prisoners to recruit or enslave

4. Skirmish- Attack and receive POW to enslave or recruit


Choose whose territory to attack NCR, Great Khans, Fiends, Minor Tribes, and Nearby Villages.


Part 3


Who you choose to go will disappear for a few days. Afterwards you will receive a mission report \

Missions care have different results

1. complete failures- where everyone is killed

2. failure – mission failed but you have survivors

3. partial failures- primary Mission failed but still got supplies and prisoners ,

4. Success -the objective is completed no casualties

5. Some casualties Success

6. Sole Survivor –Mission successful but one survivor

A screen will show stats like your Soldiers killed, Enemies killed, supplies found, enemies captured, civilians captured,

If a soldier does well and battle they can be promoted to different ranks.

(If possible give recruited people and enslaved people random names)


Part 4


Each prisoners will be bound at your main camp and you can choose the individual fate of them; enslaved, recruited, executed, torture, Imprisoned and released

(Since you can be more progressive than Caesar women can be recruited)

Some characters need to be persuaded to join you, through violence or diplomacy

Imprisoned characters can be sold for a ransom


Part 5

Punishment and executions

Prisoners, Solders who do poorly and slave who don’t obey(or you just don’t like) can be punished


Regular Punishments include:

1. Torture (add however you want to do it

a. small chance to die

2. Beaten –

a. small chance to die

b. broken bones

3. Given to soldiers

a. Women only

b. very evil

c. medium death chance

d. increase morel

e. and if they survive they will have a few broken limbs

4. Arena

a. Fight to death or not

b. Possibility of Team battles

5. Break Bones



All executions will be scheduled a day later and only start when prompted

Sometimes NCR or other faction will stage a rescue

1. Crucified

a. Small chance to escape

b. If crucified outside can be rescued

c. Death after a few days

d. Can be shown mercy if mind changed

2. Burned at stake

a. Small chance to escape

b. Can be shown mercy

3. Bullet to head

a. Quick

b. Right away

c. No mercy

4. Abandoned, tied up in wilderness

a. Medium Chance of rescue

b. Medium Chance of escape

c. Can be Show mercy

5. Decapitation

a. Quick

b. Right away

c. No mercy

6. Thrown off cliff

a. Small chance of survival with broken legs

b. Small chance of rescue after that


Part 6


Prisoners can be enslave

Slave can be used for various task and can either be cap slaves or personal slaves

1. Medic

2. Miners

3. Backpack Slaves

4. Arena slaves

5. (if whoever program this wants to) sex slave

6. Farmers

Slaves can be instructed to follow you and can be sent on missions but have poor stats

Part 7


(if possible)


Start with a small camp with a few tents, and a main base and at least 3 or 4 soldiers and 2 slaves. Camp can be upgraded to include arena, a bigger barracks, bigger slave tent, crucifixes, doctor tent, mine, farm, and upgradeable main base.


Part 8


(if possible)

Each character has different stats

1. Loyalty

a. Less like to betray you

2. Morel

a. Performs better

3. Sadism

a. Better at executions

b. Enjoys torture

c. More likely to disobey orders of killing

4. Guns

5. Melee

6. Armor

7. Leadership

8. Ability

9. Fear

a. How afraid they are of you

b. Less likely to betray you


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i was already working on a sort-like mod:

i created some testcells :comanders first basic shack and legion vault :smile:

i only got problems with the scripting and don't have much time to work on it

i've also made tabels about stats,loot,levelists etc.

if you or somebody else likes to work on it or teach me how to script this(even pointing me at a tutorial) pls leave a reply.



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