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Darth vader armor


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http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/3/37/Vader_TFU.jpg Darth vader armor anyone want to do it i'll give kudos for it! Place it in a fighting chance for 10 gold (Cheap i know but what if you don't have cheat mods or can't use the console or lost the ring of console) :biggrin: This has got to be done! So many lightsaber mods but NO DARTH VADER ARMOR!!!?
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There is a site with all the 3ds max work done, all that it needs is to be ported and credit given to the 3ds authors. I have provided a link to the site with 4 different Vader files, along with a slew of other star wars related stuff.


Sci-Fi 3D


If you can find somebody to port the files into oblivion, the hardest part (but arguably most fun and rewarding) is done.

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thanks for that link there slawter500. Have you been through the tutorial? Is it somewhat easy to handle?




Just read the whole tutorial. It sounds easy enough to follow. Only 1 problem: I don't have 3DS Max and don't have the cash to buy it. Great tutorial however and makes me want to get 3ds max.

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'Fraid I haven't looked through it yet. I'll do so at some point. How fully finished are the 3ds Max models. Actually getting the model to Oblivion is easy as hell. But there's alot of preliminary stuff. Like texture paths and such.


It's CS wiki, so it's pretty good with not only explaining itself to the experienced modder. It has screenshots, and explains it step by step.

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This armor is going nowhere please someone just do it and get this over with already! So many people requested this if this gets finished (IT NEVER WILL!) than i and alot of people would be very happy and whoever does this will be a legend of the nexus earning the title of first darth vader armor uploader!!!!!!
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