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Essential NPCs


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Okay, I am a companion lover... in all honesty Tamriel is a big place and I don't like being alone... I have a huge castle in the mountains, an absolutely awe inspiring mod made by Retta... If you haven't downloaded it, do, it is amazing especially if you have a lot of companions like myself... But anyway... to get to the point... I have a few certain companions I would like to make essential but the Oblivion Wiki and a couple other places don't explain exactly what I have to do, so I'm not really understanding. I know I go to the Command Console but I enter the NPC ID and the number one but it isn't working, I'm pretty sure that I'm missing a step can someone help me please?
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What FormID do you use? It's not that simple for mod content.


Besides, it's much simpler to make NPC's essential through CS, click->save easier in fact, though companion mods are likely to depend on other esm/esps, so you have to remember to load them as well to avoid breaking the mod.

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Okay, I am a companion lover... in all honesty Tamriel is a big place and I don't like being alone... I have a huge castle in the mountains, an absolutely awe inspiring mod made by Retta... If you haven't downloaded it, do, it is amazing especially if you have a lot of companions like myself... But anyway... to get to the point... I have a few certain companions I would like to make essential but the Oblivion Wiki and a couple other places don't explain exactly what I have to do, so I'm not really understanding. I know I go to the Command Console but I enter the NPC ID and the number one but it isn't working, I'm pretty sure that I'm missing a step can someone help me please?


I actualy JUST made a mod that creates an in game item you give to a companion to make them essential.

And if you ever want to switch them back you just take it away.


I'll be releasing it in the next couple days.

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If you have Construction Set, then you can set them to be essential from there. If your trying to do it from in game, you need there base ID number which is different then their reference #. You can find out there base ID from Construction Set. ID's also change depending on load order. If you're trying to change them in game, click on them first and check the first 2 to 3 digits as these are the ones that change because of the load order.


Example: I shall use a character I created in a plugin, her base ID in CS is 010030f9. But when I load, if my plugin is probably second in load order, her Id may have changed to 020030f9. However I won't know this until I find her and click on her.


Hope my endless, mindless rambling helped you somewhat.

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