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Adding racial abilities


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You could give the player a Fortify Health Regen constant effect that only takes effect when the player also has the magic effect keyword MagicDamageFire. It would not result in a precise percentage but it would mean that the player heals faster while on fire (which is pretty cool). Or you could script it so that when the character gets hit by a spell with the MagicDamageFire keyword they are healed by a fixed amount and/or instantly cast a healing spell on themselves. (Note that the Spell.Cast function interrupts dual casting which might be annoying.)


I don't know of any way to get the precise amount of damage dealt by a specific spell, but these two options should allow you to at least simulate the effect you are looking for.

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Actually I just thought of a fatal flaw with plan 1. I think health regeneration is paused while you are taking damage, so you would never actually regain any health (since the effect only activates while you are taking damage). You would have to use a regular old Restore Health effect, but I'm not sure if those effects work in Abilities.

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Because I was feeling EXTREMELY generous I went ahead and did this. Create the following magic effect and add it to the following ability. This will make the target to heal 50 points for every second that they are on fire. Tweak for whatever balance you are seeking. If you want the effect to increase effectiveness based on Fortify Restoration potions and effects, set the magic skill to Restoration (or Destruction or whatever you feel like).



Edited by lofgren
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