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Apachii Goddess store question


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Maybe I am brain dead from all the downloading ect, Could someone tell me what folders your supposed to have in the oblivion- data folder?

I thought there should be a character folder too.. or maybe that was in a mod I was fiddling with?


Im trying to dl the goddess store. Some of the outside walls of the store are missing. Just a door kinda hanging there in game when I get there. When I go inside the charcters are big yellow blocks which means a mesh isnt in the right place. (trying to fix that according to these directions:



What should be installed and where ===

Textures folder:

In your data/ textures you should have one folder named apachii

In your data/ textures/ menus/ Icons you should have one folder apachii


Meshes folder:

In your data\ meshes\ armor you should have one folder named apachii

In your data meshes\ weapons you should have one folder named apachii

In your data\ meshes\ clothes you should have one folder named apachii

In your data\ meshes\ clutter you should have one folder named apachii


Data folder





In my data folder I have :

LS Data








Is this right?


in meshes I see a charcter folder...

In the goddess store exe I dont see anything for charcters or the chacters like Goddess Bain and diffrent shop keepers.


Special thanks to Benn and david and all of you who chimed in on my other posts^^

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Apachii uses two main paths


\data\meshess\armor\apachii (then a whole slew of subfolders within the "Apachii" folder).

\data\meshess\clothes\apachii (then another whole slew of subfolders within the "Apachii" folder).


However, she only uses one path for textures \data\textures\apachii (then the requisite slew of subfolders).



If you put something on, and part of your character turns invisible, then that definitely means a mesh is not in the correct place.


There are some excpetions, like a couple of her body suits have invisible spots; I'm still trying to figure that one out.



If you get all the meshes in their proper spots, then they all look pink, then that is because the textures are not where they belong.



You aren't going to see specific meshes for any of her Goddesses; these all use the standard meshes, which are part of Oblivion.bsa, unless you are using a body replacer like HGEC.

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Generally, invisible body parts come from one of two things. Either, as above, the mesh is not in the right place, or you're equipping it on the wrong type of body. Yeah, I know this usually just leads to clipping, however, trying equipping Apachi's shadow cloak on a Roberts male body and all you get is vanishing hair. Equip on a female using HGEC and it works just dandy.



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