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Bittercup lost her voice...


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HI all,


I'm having a frustrating sound problem with just Bittercup npc, she has lost her voice completely, meaning I get no sound from her, with subtitles on I get the lines she's suppose to say and her lips are moving synchronized with the words, but no sound at all and it's just her.


Edit: Her dialogue and sound was working fine in my game, I parked her somewhere as I use the bittercup companion mod and went to get her after more than 30 hours real playtime since I left her to find her mute. Deactivating the companion mod didn't help, she remains mute. The most frustrating is that I had the same problem more than a year ago with another npc and I was able to fix it, but of course I forgot how, I should take frigging notes but I didn't :/


Any idea?

Edited by Billy1969
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strip down your load order to bare minimum and run the game, test her, if still no go, package up your last saved game striped down, as in zero mods, send me the game file, I'll tear it apart and see where the bug is. Just an offer, I am bored.


I'll run her in Mo with these circumstances in place. But, if you are running fose? that is most likely the reason why you lost audio.

If I can clear her audio track for you, I'll send her back.


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Thanks for the offer Purr4me, maybe it won't be necessary to send you the file as I tracked it down to be a mod problem, well something I have changed or added into onc of my merged mod files because I disabled mod by mod to see if it would bring her voice back and it's one of my merged ones, unfortunately since it's a file I make changes and add stuff to almost daily it's going to be a while to find the cause still, when I find it I will update this thread with the solution so if anyone else comes accross a missing npc voice it will maybe help. And to answer your question, yes I use FOSE, in fact a whole bunch of mods I use depend on it.

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yeah, I ran into the buggy thing when I made a few voiced mods masters, lost all voice controls and had to repair them, add more data that was not needed. I finally just deleted them and reinstalled them, left them as esp's.


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Found it ! I checked the mod in Fo3Edit and there was a record inside the voice section of the merged mod that contained the femaledefault04 voice type (he one that Bittercup uses ingame) and that overrides the fallout.esm one but had the female flag unticked for some reason! I didn't add it myself so it must have been part of a mod I tested recently and found to be good enough to keep so I merged it inside that file along other ones but the error went unnoticed because Bittercup wasn't around to talk!


Anyway, it wasn't such a bad thing having Bittercup quite after all because now she's back to her whining ways lol, and the seventeenth "yep I'm not dead yet, unfortunately" or "I'll make sure to haunt this place when I'm dead" when she's following me around as a companion are getting slowly but surely on my nerves hehe, I'm going to try to reduce her idle chatter now

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