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How would you like the nexte Elder Scrolls game to be ?


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Tell any ideas,suggestions,of what you would like the next TES game to be,or what would you

do if you were one of Bethesda's employees.



I will post some too!







1. Make the game not Windows only,but also for Macs.


2. Don't make it a MMO.

Usually people in there talk about real world things,and that's distracting you from become immersed by the game's world.


3. Make it so it can use all of modern graphical improvements,so at maximum settings we can say "wow",but scalable so someone with not a dual gpu monster graphic card like Ati 5970 will be able to play it. <I hope someone with a HD 4850 would be able to play it>.


4. Make it huge as Oblivion or even bigger.

Basically,I would prefer the main quest to be big enough.

Not like in Fallout 3.

Perhaps as big as Oblivion's or more.


5. Do some better animation and shadows.

Take a look how Crysis's and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky's shadows look alike,and make such.

Oblivion's and Fallout 3's where just too rounded and unrealistic.

Oh,and the animations...

At Oblivion some were good...

But at Fallout 3 I think they got worse.


6. Better A.I.

Having an NPC understand if you look at him,isn't such a big thing today.

But what if he could understand if you point him with a weapon or not ?


7. A more "alive" world.

Put some more animals there.They don't have to attack the player..

Put singing birds,crows,anything.


8. Of course include an editor along,so we can mod it.


9. Add the ability when in 3rd person view to free camera rotating,so someone can take pictures of something <i.e. his character> from the angle,and at the zoom he wants.

My sister plays "Second Life" only to take pictures of her customized avatar so see can then post them on Facebook.


10. Put more clothes.

Not only armors,but also cool dresses,pants and everything.



11. Make it so someone cannot join all the guilds with the same character.

Being in the fighters guild then in the mage's then in the thief's and finally in the Dark Brotherhood with the same person isn't that realistic...


12. Make it with a 30 level <or higher> cap and without the game ending after the main quest completion from the begining,and not after a mod or expansion.


13&14. Race based gameplay.


Perhaps if there were some more areas where someone could go only because of his race,it would be a nice feature,and would add to the race based gameplay.

Let's say that a dwarf or gnome character can pass through some small holes where humans or orcs can't.


Oh,and if the interaction of some specific NPC's were different depend on your race it would add even more realism.

For example let's say that there is an Argonian that knows a secret.

And it's a racial secret so he can tell it only to other Argonians..



15. About level scaling or not..


Many people complained about level scaling of the monsters in Oblivion.

Personally i didn't had a problem with that.

At Fallout 3 many liked that there was no level scaling.

But it was frustrating for me dying continuously trying to advance in the main quest and giving up hope,until I discovered that this was because I was at a low level.

And then,when i reached a higher level everything became very easy,and I knew I will win every battle,before I even start it.

So,actually,this is a debate.

Different groups of people,having different opinions..


Trying to find a sweet spot..


If fighting the same monster at level 1 and at level 4 it's threat has to change,then find a way to implement the right creatures for the right level.

If there is no level scaling,then decide that some creatures will mostly appear when a character is at a certain level.

Let's say that general goblins show up for players that range from level 2 to level 5,then some other creature turns out to be the most popular and so on...

And if there are quest-related specific creatures,that has to be from a certain kind,then change their middle name.

E.g. "Marsh Goblins" than "Goblins".

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I'm hoping that Bethesda will not make console versions of the game, and that they won't make it even more simple that Oblivion.

No multiplayer.

Also that it will use DirectX 11 (or DirectX 12 if that will be available before TES V ;) ) and all the new graphics stuff.

Lot's of different bodies, we need fat and skinny people.

More and better voice actors than Oblivion.

I hope Argonians and Khajiits will look like in Morrowind.

The ability to kick enemies and other stuff. Not some uber kung fu crap, just a normal kick. Like Dark Messiah.

Open cities.

Throwing weapons and crossbows.

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More different monsters

Enemies dont level up if you do (i wanna feel like god later in the game)

make it more kinda morrowind style again (but not the fighting system-i never hit anybody xD)

yeah there should be the crossbows again

a little bit better third person sight would be good, like the gothic ones

and of course a tes:v construction set

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There are already several of these threads around, but they are fun. Rumor is that there will be a TesV either late 2010 or in 2011. In that case, the basics are already finalized.


I want multiple monitor support, with the capability to decide what I want on each monitor. Main view on left, inventory and mini map on right. Or main map on left with available weapons and spells on right. With the ability to toggle the set I want at the time. Possibly even support for more than 2 monitors.


A deeper plot line, with various branches leading to different outcomes.


A little more humor and whimsy included. Example: After a serious fight, there is a remote chance for a tooth fairy to show up and collect any lost teeth, and leave a Gold coin for each tooth found.


Magic should be more complex, and difficult for non mage type characters. Possibly with the option for a spell to fail, backfire or have an unexpected result. What if you were to cast a summon skeleton spell and got the skeleton of a bird? or, instead of a skeleton, an unhappy Dremora who will only attack the spellcaster? Lots of wacky possibilities here.

Learning a powerful spell should be more difficult than picking up a scroll or buying it from a spell merchant - you should actually have to practice to learn it properly.


But if they include all of the requests, then what will the moders do to make it better?

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*Crosses fingers*


Not an MMO ... Not an MMO ... Dear god, not an MMO ...


Though it probably will be. They make too much money.


Other concerns? Hmm ... I hope they make combat more interesting-- rather than just kite, block, hit. No scaled leveling: I want to feel like all that leveling has an effect. Better main story line as I did not like Oblivion's.


And maybe some more interesting plot/dialogue choices.

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-TES V Construction Set

-Same moddability as Morrowind and Oblivion

-No DRM software

-Maximum of 50 years after Oblivion's plot (Arena is 45 years) so hopefully not set 200 years, that would ruin much of it

-Free play after main quest

-The pros of Morrowind and Oblivion mixed (ie. Morrowind's plot depth with Oblivion's combat system)

-Not published by Microsoft or EA Games or involving to two companies in any way, especially Microsoft

-Windows XP compatible

-Hopefully not based off of that "Infernal City" book or even referencing to it once

-Return of the crossbow, spear/polearm, and medium armor

-Not an MMO

-Seperate from TES V, maybe a spinoff game that takes place in Akavir can be made, by spinoff I mean similar to Redguard and Battlespire

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It's being supported until 2014, there's no reason why it should not be XP compatible if/when it comes out. Greatest Windows OS ever honestly...



Pretty much everyone said what I was going to say...especially no MMO.

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