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What do you look for in a Mod? (University Research)


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Hey guys, Firstly let me say i'm brand new to these forums so i apologize if this should be in a different section, If it is can a moderator lock or move this thread? Thanks!


Moving onto to the actual question. After debating how to word this question to generate the best possible feedback centered around my research i decided it would be easier to actually break down the question into a few sub questions.


The first sub question i'd like to ask is what draws you towards a mod? Is it the name that attracts you? Perhaps its the Bio? I'd love to know just for basic marketing research. What is it that makes you want to read more about a mod.


The second question i'd like to ask is what type of mod do you usually look for? is it an expansion? Perhaps a quest? or something that updates the games quality of life?


And finally i'd like to ask what do you look for the most in a mod? Is it humor? Action? Story? Game benefits? References?


I really appreciate it if anyone even takes a small amount of time to answer my questions as it all goes towards the research portion of my final year dissertation.



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Q) The first sub question i'd like to ask is what draws you towards a mod? Is it the name that attracts you? Perhaps its the Bio? I'd love to know just for basic marketing research. What is it that makes you want to read more about a mod.

A) The name attracts me, something that is clear but interesting but being clear on what it does will make me click

Q) The second question i'd like to ask is what type of mod do you usually look for? is it an expansion? Perhaps a quest? or something that updates the games quality of life?

A) Something that updates the games quality of life, or makes it look better. I always click on new combat mods, either overhauls or mechanics, same with perk mods. Total game overhauls are few though, which sucks, would like to see someone do another one day that they envision.

Q) And finally i'd like to ask what do you look for the most in a mod? Is it humor? Action? Story? Game benefits? References?

For me its always game benefits, what enhances the game for me, what makes it better than Vanilla, what makes it looks better, what makes it run better, what gives the best gameplay.

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Q) The first sub question i'd like to ask is what draws you towards a mod? Is it the name that attracts you? Perhaps its the Bio? I'd love to know just for basic marketing research. What is it that makes you want to read more about a mod.

A) It is usually the image I see that will attract me first, although i'm also drawn to Mods with interesting names, or name relevant to the type of Mod I want. I'll usually do a quick scan of the images, then the bio, and then fully go through the Images and Bio, just my weird routine :')

Q) The second question i'd like to ask is what type of mod do you usually look for? is it an expansion? Perhaps a quest? or something that updates the games quality of life?

A) I'm really into Mods that expand the games immersion factor, things that look awesome and make me feel as if the game world is more alive and realistic, I tend to stick to mostly Lore friendly mods, content that could actually be found in the real Elder Scrolls world. I pick quest mods very carefully as once again, I don't like to mess with the natural Lore of Bethesda's world.

Q) And finally i'd like to ask what do you look for the most in a mod? Is it humor? Action? Story? Game benefits? References?

A) Immersion, mostly, mods that suck me into the game world, it's not that my real life is boring, I just love to explore new worlds. I always appreciate humor and especially story, as long as it is relevant to the context and game world, again, if it's a novelty mod that adds non-relevant humor and story, I won't be downloading it. Mods that improve meshes, textures, lighting, some times overhauls etc, I download to enrich my gaming experience.

So yeah, to some up, I'm a Lore friendly immersion mod kind of guy, Mods that can enhance my Visual and Emotional experience to the game world and its inhabitants, to make the world feel more alive.

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1. Good question. I had to think about this for a bit. It's a difficult question for me because I download so many different kinds of mods that I couldn't think of any specific patterns. Now that I give it some thought, though, I like bundled mods. Anything hinting at lots of content like "overhaul", "redone", or something that suggests a complete, expansive mod is much more attractive to me than a mod that appears to be incomplete or only changes small things. For example, "Skyrim Flora Overhaul" sounds much better to me than "Steel arrow Retexture". Also, anything with the word "fix" in it, for obvious reasons.


2. I like mods that add difficulty, implement creatures, weapons, spells, etc into the game in a way that feels natural and immersive (such as adding any of the aforementioned things to leveled lists), changes gameplay mechanics, or improves graphics. Yes, that covers a majority of everything on the Nexus, but I'm sure you'll find that to be pretty common. With Skyrim modding, you have the ability to do just about whatever you want, so most people do.


3. Compatibility is the most important thing for me. If there are two mods that do similar things but one of them looks like it would be more compatible with other mods I use, I'll probably go with the one with better compatibility. For example, that's one reason I use SkyRe over Requiem. Second is customization. Maybe it's superficial, but I like mods that allow to customize the settings. It gives a sense of control over what I'm putting onto my game. Modules and MCM's go a long way for this. That's another reason I use SkyRe over Requiem. I've already said that I like big mods, so aside from that it just depends on what the mod promises to do and whether or not I think it's worth adding it to my game.

Edited by xDemonJohn
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Name: Concise, accurately describes the mod, doesn't try to make itself look good by saying "Epic mod of awesome" < that usually indicates that it ISN'T awesome.

What kinds of mods do I gravitate towards: Whatever it is I need/want.

What is most important to me in a mod: Works, not buggy, compatible with other things, doesn't cause lag. Everything else is secondary to those considerations.

Edited by steelfeathers
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The first sub question i'd like to ask is what draws you towards a mod? Is it the name that attracts you? Perhaps its the Bio? I'd love to know just for basic marketing research. What is it that makes you want to read more about a mod.


Usually the name will bring me to the mod but the mod type itself is what makes me test it out.



The second question i'd like to ask is what type of mod do you usually look for? is it an expansion? Perhaps a quest? or something that updates the games quality of life?


I like to get immersive mods and overhauls.



And finally i'd like to ask what do you look for the most in a mod? Is it humor? Action? Story? Game benefits? References?


I like working mods that don't conflict in many mods. Game benefits aswell.

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