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Lego MMO


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Thanks for the link. My son is into Legos right now (has so many that it seems like he sweats lego parts).


That link eventually lead me to the "Lego Digital Designer" which looks absolutely fantastic! We are sure to have all kinds of fun with LLD files we find on the net now!




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  • 7 months later...

I've just started playing the Lego Universe Beta. I've got to say, it seems very well designed to me. Now, I've got little to no experience with MMOs, but the general feel of the game so far (~2hr played) has been top notch. Not particularly challenging so far, but entertaining. I may even consider buying a subscription when it is released.


If anyone else is in, feel free to say hello if you see me running around (EthreDuJade).


Oh yes, and LHammonds - they seem to have done a great job of keeping the game PG. There's in game chat, but it is forced spell checked and I assume foul language is filtered. (The spell checking also helps a bit with legibility . . .)

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