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If it does happen, HOW exactly will it happen?


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Sup guys, hey you know the way people are going mad about the whole 2012 End of the World thing? I dunno what to belive,



...but....what im wondering is, HOW exactly would the end of the world happen? Would the earth just suddenly break into a fit of natural disasters? Sun explode? Or something?


Share your thoughts guys :P


PS: I wanna get Assassins Creed 2 BADLY o_O, since the backround of that is a bit about 2012

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People, spurred on by 3 years worth of hype, doom-saying, and crappy movies, will abandon all hope of tomorrow, burn down the cities, and feel like total douche's when the 22 rolls around and nothing, other than the destruction they caused, happens. Just you wait.


Good news is that on 12/25/2012, Roland Emmerich and Harald Kloser will be caught, flayed alive, set on fire (obtained from the smoldering cities), and a new globally accepted christmas tradition will begin where in families and small communities, of all religions and beliefs, build an effigy to a notable fearmonger (unless the real article is within reach), beat it with sticks, and then light it ablaze.

Edited by Vagrant0
"rolls around and around making an old rumbling sound"... sigh
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I'll tell you exactly how it will happen.. i will wake up in the morning..make me a pot of coffeh,sit down in my living room and search stare at the weather channel while thinking about how damn cold it is in my house..i'll then get up.. and scoot on to the kitchen,sip some joe and read some paper...then i'll head into the shower and stand there for around 12 minutes straight..washing a vareity of numerous body parts..Then i'll dry myself off and get dressed for work,,Then i'll go to work.. might even take a nap during work..Then when i wake up.. i'll clock out,head home..and continue napping...



Then i'll wake up the next day..


on a side note.. I own Assassins Creed 2 and just incase you wanted me to ruin it all for you

The bad guys lose.


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hmm, well.. you see, it will all start several months before the date. We will see more and more radicals who believe the end is near. We will also see cults and such raising up preaching the end. All of those who believe might/will infact cause the 'end' by causing panic, fear, corruption around the world. We, as humans, do control the outcome of the event. If there is widespread panic, then yes there will be strange things abrew on 12/21/12..


However.. If im not mistaken, there will be a rare planetary alignment on that date, as well as being the winter solstice. Many theorize that there will/could be a polar shift.. Then we have the Mayan calendar, which is more accurate then todays modern calendars. They point to that date as a 'new beginning' rather then an 'ending'. Perhaps they knew something? Perhaps they knew about polar shifts?


Nonetheless, something WILL happen. What exactly that is nobody knows. Do I think the world will crumble to pieces? I dont. Do I think there will be a 'new beginning' of some sorts? I do. Only time will tell.. speaking of which, 1074 days left, make them count!



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Whta will happen?

The same thing what happened in may 5Th of 2005. When according some doom-sayers the world would end because a planetary alignment that was supposed to break the Earth thourght the giant gravitation shockwave....

after that day, they sayed no you misunderstand...

Oh and after that day the 2012 mith become stronger



@true end of Earth

About 5-6 billions in the future when the Collapse Sun will becema greater and greater. It will "absorve" as espanding Mercury, venus , earth and Mars.

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The polar shift many speak of will have as much gravitational pull as a commercial air liner in the sky.. Absolutly pointless to worry about.. And if the world were to end.. it would still be absolutly pointless to worry about.
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The polar shift many speak of will have as much gravitational pull as a commercial air liner in the sky.. Absolutly pointless to worry about.. And if the world were to end.. it would still be absolutly pointless to worry about.

It's also worth noting that the sun aligns with the center of the galaxy EVERY December 21st. The only difference is the alignment of the known planets in this solar system.


As far as the Mayan Calander goes... Nobody seems to have stopped to comment on how prepared they seemed to have been... What with preparing for some date 300 years ahead of time. It took us till the last second to prepare for y2k, and even then failed in many places. How do we know that they didn't stop there simply because it was as far ahead as they needed to plan. An alignment of planets seems about as definite of a "rounding" date as you can get with a stellar calendar. Similarly, if you know the ending date, and you know the speed which planets orbit, you can also figure some sort of beginning date... But nobody seems to pay attention to THAT question since it already happened.


Although there is evidence of past polar shifts in the sea floor, they've been hinting that one would be happening soon for well over 50 years now... They even have a Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon (old school, as in the stuff that was played in theaters) that mentions it. I believe that the last time it happened, humans were around, and there wasn't any sort of mass-extinction (other than what was caused by humans). It might temporarily disrupt powered devices, but shouldn't cause anything too severe even if it does happen.


Unfortunately, disaster scenarios are what keeps people interested, as anyone watching the history channel can tell, and nobody seems to be doing any real GOOD science on the subject, or atleast talking about it.

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It's all a heaping pile of BS. People make crazy crap up to scare other people and disrupt people's lives. Nobody will do scientific research on it because it's a waste of time and brain cells.
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Aliens are going to rain down from the heavens! Beware simple mortals! Lol. I saw a cool crop circle video here:



I however don't believe in any of the fear mongering. People getting all scared has happened over and over throughout human history. At the turn of the first millenium (year 999) people believed god's time to judge was here. Nobles gave away vast estates and wealth, only to be left feeling like complete idiots afterwards. If an event of that magintude does happen, I don't think any simple human could predict whether or when. I don't think that the aliens have a plan for when they're going to reveal themselves. I do think there is a strong likelyhood they are here.


Which brings me to another point, I call K-pax. Remember that movie? It brought up a question that didn't directly get asked in the movie:


"If extraterrestrial life were to visit Earth, would humans even have the sensory organs to detect or interact with such a being?"


I mean realy, come on now. I do believe they are here and are tangible beings, made out of commonly visable matter. I don't believe they have any interest in us other than observation. That's just me. I grew up in an area of the world where strange stuff happens in the woods. Undescribable stuff. I grew up on Mt. Shasta, CA, USA. There are more cults (including one of Lemurians) than you could shake a stick at. Most of which are related to the lenticular clouds, pictured. Also in far northern California are Montgomery Woods, in Mendocino County. That place has some very strange stuff, the place where "Fire in the Sky" took place. In all reality it is a creepy place with strange lights.


What I'm getting at is that people want to believe the popular stories. I want to believe in aliens because it was accepted where I was raised. I don't however stake enough in that belief to think they would have announced when they would show, some crazy hundreds of years ago.

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