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If it does happen, HOW exactly will it happen?


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Well the whole doomsday prophecy was made because the Mayans believed the black hole in the center of the Milky Way is a thing of evil where demons dwell. On 12/21/2012 the sun and the Earth will line up perfectly with the center of the galaxy (and the black hole afformentioned) and theoretically the black hole could pull one of its pesky arbitrary state changes and decide to "feed" swallowing up the galaxy however it wouldn't really be the apacolypse in fact we wouldn't feel anything all satellites and signal emmiting things would malfunction briefly as we went through the black hole for an indefinite amount of time then we'd be spat out into another univers via another black hole in another stage which doesn't really have a name and is commonly referred to as a "white hole" then we're all back. Anarchy would probly be the root of any mass destruction or dangerous electronic malfunctions might cause it if this were the issue. There's also theoretically the possiblity of us all switching our atoms around but that's unlikely then agian so is it unlikely the black hole gets hungry. This all may have been said earlier I didn't read every post so sorry if I'm reiterating a prior theorum.
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How do we know that they didn't stop there simply because it was as far ahead as they needed to plan.


Absolutely - I mean, what do people expect? They can't make their calendar go on infinitely. Maybe Dec 12, 2012 seemed far enough in the future to stop. Or maybe they just got lazy . . . ;)

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I can sort of imagine the conversation.


King: So, this is completely accurate?


Sculptor: Yes, absolutely.


King: Why does it stop here?


Sculptor: Well, I was thinking that's quite a long ways off, mainly we want...


King: But, it's not really accurate if it stops for no reason. I think you should keep going.

Maybe you should make it as big as the city?


Sculptor: My king, allow me to explain. That's when the world ends, you see.

See how all the planets align with the center of the universe? Well, a bunch of

nasty stuff will happen because of that and everybody will die. So you see, it's

completely accurate. Now, about my pay?


King: You will be given a great honor. We will sacrifice you to make the sun come up tomorrow.


Sculptor: Of course, how fortunate for me...


I'm fairly confident that when 2012 comes around, anything that happens is

going to be from people panicking about it rather than actual cosmic events.

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Well the whole doomsday prophecy was made because the Mayans believed the black hole in the center of the Milky Way is a thing of evil where demons dwell. On 12/21/2012 the sun and the Earth will line up perfectly with the center of the galaxy (and the black hole afformentioned) and theoretically the black hole could pull one of its pesky arbitrary state changes and decide to "feed" swallowing up the galaxy however it wouldn't really be the apacolypse in fact we wouldn't feel anything all satellites and signal emmiting things would malfunction briefly as we went through the black hole for an indefinite amount of time then we'd be spat out into another univers via another black hole in another stage which doesn't really have a name and is commonly referred to as a "white hole" then we're all back. Anarchy would probly be the root of any mass destruction or dangerous electronic malfunctions might cause it if this were the issue. There's also theoretically the possiblity of us all switching our atoms around but that's unlikely then agian so is it unlikely the black hole gets hungry. This all may have been said earlier I didn't read every post so sorry if I'm reiterating a prior theorum.


Sounds trippy, I wanna get sucked in a rainbow! :yes:

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No need to look around for doomsday predictions.

We can do it ourselves.

By global warming we stop the Golfstream, thus causing another glacial period.

Making the nothern hemisphere a frozen zone, majore wars/panic/evacuation will rise.

We will have to come knocking on Afikas door, asking for help.

Since we have been "nice to them" for centuries, yes, will they let us in?

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Well the whole doomsday prophecy was made because the Mayans believed the black hole in the center of the Milky Way is a thing of evil where demons dwell. On 12/21/2012 the sun and the Earth will line up perfectly with the center of the galaxy (and the black hole afformentioned) and theoretically the black hole could pull one of its pesky arbitrary state changes and decide to "feed" swallowing up the galaxy however it wouldn't really be the apacolypse in fact we wouldn't feel anything all satellites and signal emmiting things would malfunction briefly as we went through the black hole for an indefinite amount of time then we'd be spat out into another univers via another black hole in another stage which doesn't really have a name and is commonly referred to as a "white hole" then we're all back. Anarchy would probly be the root of any mass destruction or dangerous electronic malfunctions might cause it if this were the issue. There's also theoretically the possiblity of us all switching our atoms around but that's unlikely then agian so is it unlikely the black hole gets hungry. This all may have been said earlier I didn't read every post so sorry if I'm reiterating a prior theorum.


For lack of a better word, bull.

The Mayans believed it would be an end of an age defined by the stars, you know those sparkly things in the sky at night. In other words an entire period of time dominated by a certain zodiac sign, Im unsure on our current age but I believe it to be something like the Fish.


Also, BLACK HOLES DONT WORK THAT WAY! but at least you mentioned white holes, long live Red Dwarf!

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