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If it does happen, HOW exactly will it happen?


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Whatever the 2012 prophecies had religious signification to the Mayans or not it's a "dead" religion so it's ok for the rules ( so you cans start a tread ask who is more badass Thor or Ares but not about what's your favorite catholic saints ).

End further studies (look in the site you send) indicates that's 2012 will be the end of an circle ( the Third one IIRC) not the world, by the Mayan astronomy/mythology each circles end it's a period of turmoil.

But people make a great misunderstand and take the end of circle + turmoil as Earth been used as a target practice by the Death Star.



I agree that it's good to be skeptical with Internet Links, but the one slygothmog appears to be a trusted one. they only show the prophecy not saying that's it's true or that the world will ended something like that.

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I think also you misunderstood the ' like a thief in the night ' bit, but dont worry thats a common error, it's a metaphore meaning the end will be unexpected not literally at night.
I understand that, what I meant is we may know "a very little bit" about it.
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The world WILL end one day, that´s for sure, and so will the entire universe and its eternety with it.

Some 8-10 billion years ago it all started, in a mega explosion, known as big bang.

It all expanded, and it keeps on doing so. Our world as we know it is just like fireflyes in the night,

compared to the enormous timespan, in wich everything has developed.

One day in the future there will be no more energy left in all the particles in the univers, an that´s

a phyical fact.

Then it will all colapse, maybe start all over, maybe there is a cyclus. I dare not say.

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Because I am too lazy some one else has done it for me. Thank you MSN


Apocalypse Not, Eight days the world should have ended, but didn't.


And others to list

1910/1986 Halley's Comet -the bringer of destruction

in 1910 The earth pass thought the Halley's tail, what's caused panic among some people who think that this event would poisoned earths atmosphere.

And in 1986 the Halley approach would be used to aliens to disguised their invasion fleet.


1984 (not the book)

According to a American medium in the year of 1984 would be a year of great terror, with greats natural disasters, famine and war, end with a meteor collision.



Other theory says that in the end there only be Black holes across the Universe, and even them will dies after some hundreds of trillions years.

and when the last black hole fade away the universe will end. after this is beyond our science.

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Some astrophysisists including the Danish Martin Knudsen, postulates that all material in universe will colapse into one giant black hole

that will turn into a nillitism, a nothing less than a sqare millimeter in -many trillions potens.

Thats how it was before big bang.

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that will turn into a nillitism, a nothing less than a sqare millimeter in -many trillions potens.

So it won't be a good time to be individualist.


And yes according this theory ( or at least a version of it) after some time ( billions and billions years) this all-black hole will explode in other big bang creating other universe.

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