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If it does happen, HOW exactly will it happen?


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Well, have been reading a little about this Mayan calendrar, and 2012 "issue"

It seems that the ones making up the story (where I read) notes the accuracy

about the prediction of 2 blonde Gods coming from across the sea.

I take it they mean Columbus and Vespucci.

First of all they were not blondes, and they where actually not the first ones.

Norweigans Vikings went to Northamerica "Vinland" 500 years earlier.

Okay, they were blondes, but I don´t think that the ones making this story up

payed any attention to that fact.

They properly still believed Columbus, a dark skinned Spaniard, was the first.

This theory has many little holes.

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nothign happen 2012


universe still will be the universe


for the human there will be shift in consciousness making it all abit more transparent and alive


internet is part of that serving as a mirror to update consciousness


look for instance of the logo of wikileaks


pretty much tells the story


open up and light and you all thought you fall into abyss :D

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The polar shift many speak of will have as much gravitational pull as a commercial air liner in the sky.. Absolutly pointless to worry about.. And if the world were to end.. it would still be absolutly pointless to worry about.

It's also worth noting that the sun aligns with the center of the galaxy EVERY December 21st. The only difference is the alignment of the known planets in this solar system.


As far as the Mayan Calander goes... Nobody seems to have stopped to comment on how prepared they seemed to have been... What with preparing for some date 300 years ahead of time. It took us till the last second to prepare for y2k, and even then failed in many places. How do we know that they didn't stop there simply because it was as far ahead as they needed to plan. An alignment of planets seems about as definite of a "rounding" date as you can get with a stellar calendar. Similarly, if you know the ending date, and you know the speed which planets orbit, you can also figure some sort of beginning date... But nobody seems to pay attention to THAT question since it already happened.


Although there is evidence of past polar shifts in the sea floor, they've been hinting that one would be happening soon for well over 50 years now... They even have a Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon (old school, as in the stuff that was played in theaters) that mentions it. I believe that the last time it happened, humans were around, and there wasn't any sort of mass-extinction (other than what was caused by humans). It might temporarily disrupt powered devices, but shouldn't cause anything too severe even if it does happen.


Unfortunately, disaster scenarios are what keeps people interested, as anyone watching the history channel can tell, and nobody seems to be doing any real GOOD science on the subject, or atleast talking about it.



actually, when a polar shift occurs, the earths poles disappear for an unknown time. Leaving the earth open to the harshness of atomic radiation from our sun and from deep space. SO there most likely would be a mass extinction, as the irradiated particles hitting us would kill most all plant and animal life and basically bake the earth with radiation.

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actualy it is the last date on the myan calendar unlike the other things they predicted this is just the end its just as if you do something then you dont 2012 is when it ends if they are right no and i mean NO real info is known to what happens except the info people made up to fill the blank
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Hold the phone, since when can humans predict the futre 2012+ years in advance?


And besides, these weren't exactly the most credible and reasonable people ever...


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the Mayans had a game like basketball, where, there was a hoop hanging from the side of a wall, and the first of two people to get a ball through the hole won the game. The loser got sacrificed to the gods.


Also, I think that if the tribe thought that one person was a god, they sacrificed him to "free him from his earthly restaint" via fire. Lots of fire.


C'mon....after all the hooplah about Y2K, global warming, (30 years ago, it was global cooling..), etc. etc...another apacalyptic theory just seems a little silly after a while. The world is going nowhere soon, and I'll certainly not be alive when it's time for it to go.

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Global warming is FAKE


It has happened since day 1 And PLEASE dont cr*p on about the Big Bang. theres been periods of


1. Extreme heat (Warming)

2. Extreme cold (Ice-Age)


That has always been happening. It will keep happening.

As for 2012, The world wont end, That's just the day that they stopped writing the Calendar. They didnt write ""WERE ALL GONNA DIE ON THIS DAY!!!"" they just stopped writing.



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