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Basic GECK Error? (Im new :) )


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Hi there


I recently got my new pcand started to play fallout (after annihilating it on xbox) and want to start making mods !


So i installed the geck and follwed the first wiki tutorial, i managed to make a room and save it and quit the geck to access it in my game and i did that.

But when i got back onto the geck, i cant find my cell to edit it again? I saved it as vault74a and it doesnt show anywhere, how would i find this?



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Okay I'm not sure exactly what the problem is but there could be a couple of reasons for this.


When you loaded the data the second time did you load your mod or just the falout3.esm. Your mod was not saved as part of the normal Fallout files so you can not just access it from the original files. Also if this was the problem I would suggest when you load the data to click the "Set as Active File" button located just below the list of TES files ( where your mod and the fallout3 data is located) it will just make it easier for you in the future.


Now if that was not your problem you may have just accidentally named the cell wrong. unfortunately there is no fast way to look for it but most likely you got the first letter right and there are not too many cells that start with v so you would just have to look.


Hopefully that helped if not could you post a little more information if possible :thumbsup:

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To add, all of the cells that have been edited have an asterisk "*" after their name in the cell view window. If you can not see the whole name, drag the column header over so you can. Now you can scroll down the list quickly looking for entries with an asterisk at the end.
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Here are 2 ways to figure out how your cell is named.


1) you could open your mod in FO3Edit


2) Open geck, sign your plugin active, click on "Details", click on "Type" to sort all entries to Type and then scroll untill you found cells. There are actually all cells mentioned, a mod touches.

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I'm sorry we don't speak noob in here. Ha ha yeah we do we're all noobs. Don't worry. Well first, download GECK, then download the update for it, install one then the other which go in C:/bethesda softworks/fallout3 this is the folder which has the data folder in it FOMM, FOSE, and FO3edit go there too. Everything else pretty much goes into the data folder itself. but always read the read me. The default location for where you install fallout 3 is C:/program files/bethesda softworks/fallout3 which if you followed that path then do the same for GECk, Windows puts security risks on stuff in program files, which is why most folks here put it in it's own folder, hence C:/bethedsa softworks/fallout3, an our gecks there but mostly it's for good luck and habit, GFWL or something used to cause windows to bug out an mess up the game thinking it was a internet security risk, idk, FOMM an FOSE disable GFWL anyway plus the need for having to have the disc check or have the disc in the drive. You also don't want a lot of raw data on your desktop, only shortcuts and maybe one file which actually has data in it. A large desktop, say 2-4Mb will certianly hang up upon exit of the game. Just a thought.


Now First time you launch the geck, you want to set up all the window sizes, first maximize it, then resize the windows to fit the bigger window, an have it like you would want it if you were creating a bunch of mods all day long. I put the render window so it takes up about 3/4 of the screen from the bottom going up, then objects list on the left with cell list on the right, they are really small because I don't do much in them at a time, and the scroll anyway. Once you have it like you want it, hit X, to close it an this will save the settings for the windows. So when you open it, it does it automaticly, and if you ask me the default is about the worst way to go about making a mod, can't see anything. Now GECK doesn't really include any content, which would allow you to do much of anything, stuff like bullet cases, or meshes an stuff, all that is packed into the games archive files, which are just large compressed files. To use most of that you have to unpack it from the archives, which most of us, use FOMM to do, it has a handy .BSA unpacker, .BSA is Bethesda Softworks Archive, get it, something like that, well GECK won't unpack it. So in the video tutorials for GECK, which you should watch, you'll see folks using content and wonder, how did they get access to that, I didn't get tha, where do you get such things. If you were to look at a Bethesda Softworks programer using geck, they would already have just about every mesh already unpacked, so that GECK could access it.


The GECK auto saves where ever it is installed, so probably you installed it in the wrong spot, so it saved your mod in some folder on your puter somewhere. But for it to actually work, it needs to be saved in C:/bethesda softworks/fallout 3 so it can see the data folder, In my case I installed the game on the hard drive that didn't have the system files on it, to seperate it, so it's D:/bethesda softworks/fallout3. Installing it in the wrong spot happens alot, is why I say. Then stuff that you unpack from the archives you either follow the normal folder path, or rename it an put it somewhere else. You launch GECK, make a awesome CELL, then you click save, pick a name (pick a good one) then you take a poop an fall asleep, wake up the next day, launch geck, you pick load, then scroll down to your mod, double click it, then set it to active, then hit okay, it gets set to active from now on if you want to work on it. Setting a file to active just means you want to save all the work you did yesterday (or of all time) with all the work you are about to do on it today. The mouse acceleration is wack, so you'll have to set that, an most people say use a 128 grid for snap to grid, which is fine, but sometimes you need a 8 grid or 16 grid, or even a 1 grid if you want to keep things at 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 rather than 1.2345 1.2324 1.6543 If you resize the render window while the lights are turned on, then the whole lighting for the cell gets messed up, which you just turn the lights off an back on to fix if you have to move the render window. Then you know Hit M if you want to mask all the stuff you really don't want to see.


At any rate you can find where you installed the geck by right clicking it's properties an looking there, or find your lost vault from using the windows search option.


Then you know when you save a mod, an hit X to close the GECK, on most computers it will hang up an take about 2 minutes to close if it ever closes, Ctrl Alt Del to open the task manager, that's Control alt delete, anyway find the GECK process, then end that process. That is if it hangs. Over the last 8 months GECK has only closed correctly 2 times, the rest of the time I saved, then Ctrl alt del an ended the process.

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