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NMC Texture Pack & Crashing Instantly?!


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I'm a complete noob when it comes to modding, and this is actually my first time doing it. I just bought Fallout: New Vegas off of Steam and I really wanted to jump back into that game and try it with mods, so I've been reading and I saw pretty much every video from Gopher on YouTube as he explains how everything works and how to install mods. Anyways, first few mods; started with downloading the Nexus Mod Manager, from there, I downloaded some uncut versions of the game, downloaded something in which it patches most of the bugs, glitches, etc. Went on to download Electro City, and after every mod I would install, I would boot up the game and see if it would work, and it did. Granted, I don't have a saved file, I just click on new game and proceed and just delete afterwards, I want to have all my mods set, before starting a new game. My problem came when I downloaded this mod...




NMC's Texture Pack for New Vegas


I read how big the file was, and how it could cause crashes and whatnot, but I figured since New Vegas is an old game, and these videos and mods are a few years old, I figured my PC would be able to handle it. My PC is an AMD FX-8350 8-core processor, GTX 780, 8GB of ram, & running a SSD as my primary drive. My monitor is set at 2560x1440 as well. So I confident that my PC can run it, and it may be something else, but again, first time modding, so not sure how much my PC can truly handle...


After installing all 3 seperate parts into the Nexus Mod Manager, I made sure the 1st one downloaded first, than 2nd, and finally 3rd. Afterwards, I activated them & installed them, but the weird thing was, is that I didn't notice them in the load order. I had downloaded LOOT as well, since it's suppose to be like BOSS, and I sorted my plugins and did not see them at all. Afterwards I downloaded "100 New Perks" & "Perk Every Level" and loaded those onto the Nexus Mod Manager, and I managed to see those in my load order, but not the texture pack. I started the game from Steam, and I saw that it said NMC's Texture Pack right next to the title of the game in the main menu, as soon as I click to start new game, it immediately didn't respond. I rewatched the part when Gopher was installing the 4GB Installer, and copied the files again and just replaced them, and this time, I click on the "fnv4gb.exe" that Gopher had mentioned, so it would start up with the script extender as well, and the same thing, crashed immediately. Would greatly appreciate the help and sorry for long text...lol Just trying to be as descriptive as possible!


Here is my load order from LOOT...


  • FalloutNV.esm
  • DeadMoney.esm
    Add: Deflst
    • Warning: Contains 403 ITM records and 51 UDR records. Clean with FNVEdit.
  • HonestHearts.esm
    • Warning: Contains 121 ITM records and 10 UDR records. Clean with FNVEdit.
  • OldWorldBlues.esm
    • Warning: Contains 124 ITM records. Clean with FNVEdit.
  • LonesomeRoad.esm
    • Warning: Contains 240 ITM records and 6 UDR records. Clean with FNVEdit.
  • GunRunnersArsenal.esm
    • Warning: Contains 97 ITM records. Clean with FNVEdit.
  • CaravanPack.esm
  • ClassicPack.esm
  • MercenaryPack.esm
  • TribalPack.esm
  • ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm
    Add: Actors.AIData, Actors.AIPackages, Invent, Names, NpcFaces
  • ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm
  • More Perks.esm
    Version: 2.0.0
  • DarNifiedUINV.esp
  • Couriers Stash - Package Selection Menu.esp
    • Note: Does not require all the Courier's Stash/Pre-order packs to work.
  • Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.esp
    Version: 10
    Add: Actors.AIPackages, NoMerge, Scripts, Sound, Stats
  • avangraffscorned.esp
  • kochandbohr.esp
  • More Perks Update.esp
    Version: 2.4.6
    Add: Actors.ACBS, Invent
  • Pacersgambit.esp
  • PerkEveryLevel.esp
  • Vurt's WFO.esp
  • originalintroExtended.esp
  • athornysituation.esp
  • rotfacetoriches.esp
  • awilderwasteland.esp
  • The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
    Version: 1.5





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NMC's texture packs don't have a plugin of any kind so you won't see anything in NMM or LOOT pertaining to them. You should install the texture pack before other mods that change graphics, like Vurt's wasteland flora overhaul just as a matter of note.


Your machine is perfectly capable of running New Vegas with the large pack. Did you install NVSE properly, I don't see any mention of it here. You shouldn't get a crash with FNV4GB, sounds weird. Can you post the FNV4GB log? It's in the same folder the saves are in. In the installation directory is where other logs are kept like NVSE, these logs can be helpful when trying to solve such issues.


Have you made the multicore processor tweaks to the ini file? This might solve the crashing also.


Basic trouble shooting is to disable all your mods and start with just NMC's pack and FNV4GB, see if this works first and go from there. If it does work, start enabling other mods a few at a time until you get a crash again and you can isolate the problem. If it doesn't work with just NMC's pack, uninstall everything and start over. You can try with the Large pack again and get it working without mods first and if you are unable to do so, then you can step down to the medium pack and try it.

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NMC's texture packs don't have a plugin of any kind so you won't see anything in NMM or LOOT pertaining to them. You should install the texture pack before other mods that change graphics, like Vurt's wasteland flora overhaul just as a matter of note.


Your machine is perfectly capable of running New Vegas with the large pack. Did you install NVSE properly, I don't see any mention of it here. You shouldn't get a crash with FNV4GB, sounds weird. Can you post the FNV4GB log? It's in the same folder the saves are in. In the installation directory is where other logs are kept like NVSE, these logs can be helpful when trying to solve such issues.


Have you made the multicore processor tweaks to the ini file? This might solve the crashing also.


Basic trouble shooting is to disable all your mods and start with just NMC's pack and FNV4GB, see if this works first and go from there. If it does work, start enabling other mods a few at a time until you get a crash again and you can isolate the problem. If it doesn't work with just NMC's pack, uninstall everything and start over. You can try with the Large pack again and get it working without mods first and if you are unable to do so, then you can step down to the medium pack and try it.


Hey Roy, thanks for the reply. So you're saying, I should have installed the NMC's Texture Pack first, and than install my other mods; that only pertain to changing/add graphics? And I did install NVSE properly, I believe NVSE, was the 2nd thing I downloaded right after the Nexus Mod Manager, I watched the first video by Gopher on how to do that. I spent the rest of the night trying to get it to work, after I had created this thread. I started looking over post after post in the mod descriptions on here on Nexus, and what I did was uninstall 4GB and than I reinstalled it by watching your video this time on YouTube, only thing I did not do was create the shortcut, I would just launch from within the file itself. I switched resolutions, I launched from NVSE through the Nexus Mod Manager, launched through 4GB, & no luck. I also verified my game cache through Steam, it found 2 and said it would reaquire it, did it again just to see if it was acquired, and it said 1 this time. I launched again, and this time, it showed the last item on the menu "quit" only half of the word was shown, this was due to the Dartified Mod, I remember, so I went back and did that procedure to remove that, but overall still no luck...


I than proceeded to rewatch some videos again from Gopher, and I did this because someone mentioned something about FNVEdit, so I installed that, merged patches, and Gopher mentioned that if it said loading followed by some ",,," it wouldn't load, their is a conflict, he showed an example by removing his weapon mod, after he had merged patches, and you could see both of them on the FNVEdit. Well I noticed quite a few of those on mine, particularly the mods I had installed; for the most part, but it was weird, because when I was installing them at the start, one by one, I would boot the game fine with no crashes, only after I installed the NMC's Texture Pack, Perks Every Level, & More Perks did it occur. I also did a master update through FNVEdit, and than I tried to boot the game up, than I did a master restore through FNVEdit, and than I tried to boot the game up again and still no luck...


Here, I decided to unactivate my mods pertaining to the texture pack; all 3 through Nexus Mod Manager. Boot the game up, crash. Let me turn off the "More Perks" & "Perk Every Level" as well; again crash. At that point, I figured, after all this, I probably made the problem worse...lol I was going to uninstall everything, Nexus Mod Manager, FNVEdit, 4GB, & NVSE and just retry again from scratch. Anyways, here is my log that I pulled...if you can manage to help me fix this problem, I'll give you...the gift of friendship :)


Loader: Getting windows version - 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

Loader: Address Space Size = 0xFAADC000

Loader: Getting executable name - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\fnv4gb.exe

Loader: Parsing Command Line...

Loader: Trying to get game path from Bethesda Softworks registry key

Loader: Attmepting to open HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bethesda Softworks\FalloutNV - Failed

Loader: Trying to get game path from Steam registry key

Loader: Attmepting to open HKLM\SOFTWARE\Valve\Steam - Succeeded

Loader: Attempting to query size of "InstallPath" value - Succeeded

Loader: Attempting to query "InstallPath" value - Succeeded

Loader: Changing directory to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas

Loader: Original exe is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\FalloutNV.exe

Loader: LAA exe is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\exes\FalloutNV.exe

Loader: Validating original exe...

Loader: Validation passed

Loader: Making sure original and LAA exe are not the same file - They aren't

Loader: Making sure this executable is not C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\FalloutNV.exe - It isn't

Loader: Making sure this executable is not C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\exes\FalloutNV.exe - It isn't

Loader: Original exe doesn't have LAA flag set as required.

Loader: Getting file attributes for original exe

Loader: Checking if file attributes for original exe and LAA exe match - They did.

Loader: Validating and checking status of C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\exes\FalloutNV.exe...

Loader: seems good

Loader: Setting SteamAppId environment variable to 22380 (Fallout New Vegas)

Loader: Setting SteamGameId environment variable to 22380

Loader: Creating process: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\exes\FalloutNV.exe"

Loader: Allocating memory buffer in child procress - Success. Buffer at FFFA0000

Loader: Getting handle to Kernel32

Loader: Getting filename of Kernel32

Loader: Getting module information for Kernel32

Loader: Creating remote thread to initialize libraries

Loader: Waiting for remote thread to exit

Loader: Getting number of modules loaded in child process

Loader: Getting handles to modules loaded in child process

Loader: Looking for handle to Kernel32 in module handle list from child process

Loader: Injecting dll loader code into child process.

Loader: Writing injection data into child process.

Loader: Creating remote thread to load helper dll

Loader: Waiting for remote thread to exit

fnv4gb_helper: successfully injected

Executable filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\exes\FalloutNV.exe

Executable address: 0x400000

Address Space Size = 0xFA748000

Resetting LAA Bit

Getting Handle to KERNEL32 - Succeeded

Redirecting GetModuleFileNameA

Loading additional DLLs

Attempting to load nvse_steam_loader.dll - Succeeded

fnv4gb_helper: returning from CompleteInjection

Loader: Checking if LAA has any effect - It does.

Loader: Checking if LAA flag worked for child process - It Did

Loader: Starting main thread in child process

Loader: Waiting for child process to exit

Loader: Exiting

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My fault for double posting, but I didn't want to edit on top of everything else I had written in my 2nd response...lol Anyways Roy, I forgot to mention, that I did not tweak the multicore processors in the ini file, haven't read anything about that...BUT I did go back to the Nexus Mod Manager, and I unactivated all my mods, except for the 3 texture packs, and I loaded it with the FNV4GB and it worked! Messed around a bit outside to notice the textures, at first, I didn't even notice if they were installed or not, I had to pull up Gophers video and double check...lol


So I guess, I'll slowly add each mod and load the game up each time and see how it perfoms, until I can find the mod that is causing the issue and report back; unless you find something first in that log file!

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Everything is fine in the log file, the application is working properly.


Seems you have a mod conflict going, LOOT is not sorting your load order properly possibly (It is still new), or it's just a conflict between mods that the engine doesn't like.


Doing a master update is a terrible idea with New Vegas and will break more than it fixes. I wish Gopher would take that video down.


anyways it seems you should be able to locate your problem then, good luck.

Edited by RoyBatterian
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Everything is fine in the log file, the application is working properly.


Seems you have a mod conflict going, LOOT is not sorting your load order properly possibly (It is still new), or it's just a conflict between mods that the engine doesn't like.


Doing a master update is a terrible idea with New Vegas and will break more than it fixes. I wish Gopher would take that video down.


anyways it seems you should be able to locate your problem then, good luck.


Could I download BOSS instead of LOOT? And have BOSS sort my loads? Also should I restore FNVEdit, since I did the master update?


EDIT: Okay, so after going through each mod one by one, and refreshing the Nexus Mod Manager, as well as sorting my plugins each and everytime. I finally realized that it was the mod "Perk Every Level" that was causing conflicts somehow with the DLC it seems, as "Perk Every Level" causes conflicts with the level cap being raised. I'm going to leave everything else the way it is. I did a restore on FNVEdit, and plan on just letting that application be; will not try to mess around with it anymore.

Edited by Rolotek
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Congratz on solving your problem. Just as a little encouragment, LOOT is perfectly fine to use with FNV. I have a lot of mods installed and I have not had any crashes due to mod order issues. LOOT is an amazing tool even though the resulting load order looks like a mess.

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Congratz on solving your problem. Just as a little encouragment, LOOT is perfectly fine to use with FNV. I have a lot of mods installed and I have not had any crashes due to mod order issues. LOOT is an amazing tool even though the resulting load order looks like a mess.


Thanks Amacher, and a big thank you for Roy for taking the time to help me solve this. Slowly but surely, I'm learning...lol. And I'm liking LOOT, I tend to sort my plugins after every mod I install, is this how you do it as well? I just don't want to install 4-5 mods, and than have some type of conflicting issue again :confused:

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Yep LOOT should be fine to use and sorting after every mod is a good idea.


Try not to be afraid of FNVEdit, it is a great tool and can help solve a plethora of issues as well being a very powerful modding tool. Just be careful with it until you get proficient with its use.

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Yep LOOT should be fine to use and sorting after every mod is a good idea.


Try not to be afraid of FNVEdit, it is a great tool and can help solve a plethora of issues as well being a very powerful modding tool. Just be careful with it until you get proficient with its use.


Good to know. Want to know what's funny? That last night, I was finally going to play Fallout, after going through this headache and finally fixing it, that as soon as I launched through 4nvgb, game started crashing immediately again...lol. I started to deactivate some of the mods again, and load up, until I realized that this mod...




Was crashing my game at the start, so I just removed it, apparently, it's not compatible with Ultimate Edition. I was on the fence with wanting to use the "Freeside Open" & "Outside Bets" mods, but after reading up on them; seeing that they offer some crashes and whatnot, I may just stay away and just stick with playing the game with the mods I have on now.

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