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About Amacher2772

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  1. It has been a long time since I did an assassin or thief playthrough in any elder scroll game. Does lore suggest that a character can be apart of both guilds? Or is there a conflict between the two that I am forgetting about. Thanks!
  2. Thanks Roy, I will give that a go and see how it turns out. Thanks for the heads up on the fan issue.
  3. Congratz on solving your problem. Just as a little encouragment, LOOT is perfectly fine to use with FNV. I have a lot of mods installed and I have not had any crashes due to mod order issues. LOOT is an amazing tool even though the resulting load order looks like a mess.
  4. That is strange.... Well I am assuming you have turned everything off in the game launcher: Anti-alaising - off Anisotropic Filtering - off HDR - ON Water multisampling = off Transparency Multisampling - off Here is an image just in case. http://imgur.com/nXnR90J If everything is set up as above, and you still get the issue, it is beyond my knowledge. Sorry :(
  5. Hey ncrvet, I have Windows 8 and I got it to work. Make sure you are using the new updated version. Here is the link: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55061/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D55061%26preview%3D&pUp=1 Download the rar file and extract the fnv4gb.exe and the fnv4gb_helper.dll and extract them both to you FNV directory. You only need those two files to get it to work. Check the image link below. I sort of explained how to get an ENB working with it just in case. If it is not clear, ask on this thread and I will answer better. Let me know if you get it working. http://imgur.com/ouhx1AL
  6. Have you tried uninstalling your current ENB completely and trying a different one? See if another enb gives you the same issues in game.
  7. Hello, I am just looking for some feedback from experienced users of ENB with FNV. I am not new to modding FNV but I am new to using an ENB with it. Is it possible to use the launcher AA with an ENB? I know all ENB authors say to turn this off. However in Skyrim, ENB authors state the same thing but it is possible to use forced AA with an ENB in Skyrim, even though you do lose some effects such as ambient occlusion. If anyone knows a way to do this, I would appreciate the help. Or if it is completely impossible with FNV, I would appreciate that answer as well. Thanks!
  8. Best of luck guys! I really do hope things start going your way.
  9. The title says it all. Does anyone know how to get the Tilde key working on Windows 8 for Oblivion? My Tilde key DOES work for Fallout 3 and New Vegas if that helps any. I have seen forums discussing this problem but they all aim towards Vista and 7. Thanks!
  10. When I play the game on small particles setting, none of the roads seem to load during the game and most of the plants are transparent. If I turn the setting to medium or large everything is normal but unfortunately I sacrifice much FPS so I have to play with small set as the setting. Does anyone now how to fix this or is there some sort of mod I can install. I don't think any of my mods are causing this problem, as it does this with the vanilla game also. Here is a pic to help give you a better idea
  11. Thanks for the help, that helps me make more sense of it now than before. I have not seen any changes like that so far but I will double check. If for some reason I would miss an MGEF entry and I didn't enable the OOO patch, would I notice something in game that would give me a clue or hint that the patch does need to be enabled? Like for ex. a spell might not have any sound when casted?
  12. During the OBMM installation process for OOO, I was given the option to install a patch called "OOO_Magic_Script_Effect_Fix" and I chose to include it. However I am a little confused on what it does or when should I turn it on in my load order. Does anyone know what this patch actually does and can tell me if I should use it or not? The installation said to use it if I plan on using a mod that changes magic script effects, I should use the patch, but I am not sure what magic script effects changes would be or are for that matter. The mods I plan on using which affect magic are as follows: -Less Annoying Magic Experience -Midas Magic Should I use the "OOO_Magic_Script_Effect_Fix" with these mods?
  13. I am glad it wasn't a train either haha...that is a good way of putting things! Cheers to you both!
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